Hey Congress, Enough Already!

Pompous asses don’t want to be associated with you. You’re cheapening their brand!

If the graph of my 401-K was actually a roller coaster’s track it would be shut down! Too dangerous. Too many sharp turns. Too scary.

Hey Congress. Enough already. I’m sick of you. What you’re doing in DC is rubbing off on my retirement funds.

Pompous asses don’t want to be associated with you either. You’re cheapening their brand!

We have a totally dysfunctional Congress. At least one party seems to have forgotten the goal is to advance the country, not defeat the opposition!

Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said this last fall,

“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president”

Mitch. May I call you Mitch? Mitch, that’s the most anti-American thing I’ve ever heard a politician say! That’s the single most important thing for you to achieve? Idiot.

I blame a lot of this in the fiery vitriol that has overtaken politics in America. Selling a position has become much less important than injuring an opponent. Partisans get so caught up in the rhetoric they become incapable of backing down.

Compromise? Ha!

I had a small fight last night on Facebook. One of my friends published a link to a series of quotes and excerpts from Barack Obama’s books. They made Obama look awful.

Alas, they were taken out-of-context and in a few cases just made up. Obama hadn’t said those things. It didn’t matter.

When the error of her source was pointed out to my friend she refused to withdraw. In fact she doubled down posting another link. She told me she wouldn’t apologize.

She seemed anxious to hurt this president she reviles. If there weren’t facts matching the quotes she linked to it didn’t matter. Surely there were facts somewhere.

That’s what’s going on in Washington. Policies that looked fine when first introduced become poisonous when adopted by the opposition. It’s bad if the other guy thinks it’s good.

I’ve had enough of this stuff. Congress, you’re screwing around with my life and I don’t appreciate it.