Nothing Is Easy… Ever

My tooth that suffered the indignity of root canal last week developed an abscess yesterday. It began to hurt last night. By this morning it was nearly unbearable.

I left a message on my dentist’s machine at 7:00 AM. If you know me, you know 7:00 AM means I’m serious!

Long story short, I saw my dentist and he fixed the problem. This sort of stuff happens.

I left with my pain greatly relieved, clutching a prescription for amoxicillin. I went to fill it tonight in Hartford.

I drove to a Rite Aid near the station and handed the white coated guy behind the counter my prescription, printed on 8.5′ by 11″ paper and signed by my dentist.

“Are they still open,” the pharmacist asked? He wanted to call and verify the prescription was legit. My dentist had long since gone home.

“Is there a big problem with amoxicillin abusers,” I replied.

Behind the counter someone older and wiser intervened. Prescription filled. Problem solved.