Roxie Sees The Vet

Are those big front paws of hers are a sign of things to come? We hope not. We like her tiny.

Roxie went to the vet today–in the doggie car seat. Safety first!

Two shots, a little blood, some urine brought from home, it was the total package.

When she first came to live with us Roxie was around 3&#189 pounds. Now she’s 8 pounds 11 ounces!

Are those big front paws of hers are a sign of things to come? We hope not. We like her tiny.

The vet told Helaine Roxie seems healthy. Even a mini doxie should maintain a waist and have ribs you can feel. She has only eaten dog food. We have never given her people food and she doesn’t beg while we’re at the table.

Roxie’s next trip to the vet will be to get spayed. Won’t she be surprised!