The Bailout

If you can’t afford it, I don’t want governmental policy encouraging you to borrow. There’s something fundamentally wrong with loans that can only be made when usurious rates must be charged. Hey, Gary Coleman–I’m talking to you.

I am an opinionated guy. I have a position on nearly every public issue. I’m not sure whether that’s good or bad. It’s just how it is.

That’s why this whole bailout issue is so perplexing. I have no idea where I stand!

I am worried what will happen to our country if our banking and financial system fails. Maybe it is to big to fail. Even if I’m pissed at the bankers, I don’t want to cut off my nose to spite my face.

On the other hand I worry we’re rewarding bad behavior by allowing these big businesses to survive. No one can convincingly deny that.

I hear a lot of talk about keeping the credit markets open, but don’t we need the credit markets to be a little tighter? Wasn’t the whole sub-prime mess caused by too much credit being available to too many people?

If you can’t afford it, I don’t want governmental policy encouraging you to borrow. There’s something fundamentally wrong with loans that can only be made when usurious rates must be charged. Hey, Gary Coleman–I’m talking to you.

I don’t want the people who caused this to benefit. That especially goes for bankers. Do you think we consumers don’t understand you’re right up there with airlines in your contempt for us? For many people you have turned borrowing into the financial equivalent of heroin addiction.

Finally, there’s a hard sell on. I see it on the cable news networks especially. Any time the pressure’s on to make a quick move I begin to count my fingers and hide the silverware.

I really wish I knew. This is too big a decision to be rendered without me having an opinion.