Free Education

Helaine and I have some ideas of things to do on the web. In our case it’s a ‘get rich slow’ schemes!

A good idea is pretty close to worthless. It’s only if you can flesh out your idea and implement it that you have a chance of (catch phrase alert) monetizing it.

Helaine thinks I’m an Internet whiz. That’s sweet – but not true. I know enough to begin to understand what I don’t know… and that’s my jumping off point.

Our web idea is database driven. PHP and MySQL are important. Don’t know what they are? I barely do, and certainly am not conversant in either.

This brings me to the point of this posting (which only took 5 paragraphs to get to). There is a way for me to learn about PHP and MySQL online and for free.

Let me repeat the operative portion of that sentence: it’s free.

It all part of the HP Learning Center, sponsored by Hewlett Packard. There are loads of courses, mostly computer oriented, though not totally.

I’m not sure what HP is getting out of this – though, shhhhh, don’t tell.

Helaine and I are both through lesson one of the PHP/MySQL course. I’m hoping it will move me from where I am to knowing enough to be dangerous… at least as far as this web idea is concerned.