A Put Up/Shut Up Moment For McDonalds

The competition’s tough. Baby, that’s a pity.

Plain-McDonalds-LogoMickey D’s just announced a horrible quarter. Profits are down 30%. According to Reuters it’s because of “a food scandal in China and tough competition in the United States.”

The competition’s tough. Baby, that’s a pity.

Where were we?

How will McDonalds go about building its profit? Will it raise its prices? This is what the fast food industry has screamed any time the subject of raising wages comes up.

My guess is price raising is the last thing they’ll do. And, in spite of their kvetching, it would also be among the last things they’d do if forced to pay a more reasonable wage to the McDonalds crew.

I get it. Underpaying employees is fabulously profitable. It’s also reprehensible.

Let’s see how McDonalds goes about dealing with this crisis. It will tell us a lot about their honesty on the wage front.

McDonalds made over a billion dollars in this past quarter on revenue of seven billion.

SoCal Weather: Mainly Gentle, But Interesting

Our earlier neighborhood wildfire is out. The Fire Authority reported 77 firefighters for the three acre blaze. I saw two copters. The air was pungent.

This area was built with the understanding that things burn. All the homes have fire suppression sprinklers. The roofs are mainly clay.

I’m sitting out in the California room. This is a protected spot, but I can see the effect of the wind whipping around me. The watering can is on its side. The thin mattress on the hammock is pointing down, not up. The overhead fan, turned off, is spinning slowly.

IMAG0936The sky is as blue as can be. I’m not sure it could be Photoshopped any bluer!

We’re at 94&#176. The dew point is 8&#176. It is very dry. I should be perspiring. Moisture evaporates before drops can form.

That’s part of the desert’s power. You can succumb to dehydration without suspecting you’re in trouble.

My lips are dry. Where’s the ChapStick?

IMG_0441Our earlier neighborhood wildfire is out. The Fire Authority reported 77 firefighters for the three acre blaze. I saw two copters. The air was pungent.

Thank you Orange County Fire Authority for keeping us safe. We appreciate your dangerous mission on our behalf.

This area was built with the understanding that things burn. All the homes have fire suppression sprinklers. The roofs are mainly clay.

I leave my laptop out here on the sofa. It’s full of dust. Maybe I should reconsider? Maybe it’s too late?

The weather here in SoCal is usually gentle, but it has interesting twists and turns. Another one is coming tomorrow.

I am Hungry

Unfortunately, I am living proof that when eaten in quantity even things that are good for you are bad for you!

I am hungry. It is 1:17 AM and I am hungry. This is my normal snack time… and by snack I mean grazing through the overnight as if you couldn’t pack on pounds after midnight!

I am changing an insurance policy which means a blood test which in turn means fasting until morning. They don’t think of guys like me when they say “No food after midnight.”

The secret to all night snacking is variety. A nibble here. A bite there. I try to stay away from anything that was made in a factory. Food shouldn’t come from a factory&#134. Unfortunately, I am living proof that when eaten in quantity even things that are good for you are bad for you!

Did I mention I’m starving at the moment.

My wife has will power. If you ask her about it she’ll deny it. Those with nothing to deny often do. On the other hand I certifiably have no will power.

Let’s face it. Guys are sluts when it comes to food.

&#134 – The one exception to my anti-factory food stance is pretzels. Pretzels, especially sourdough hard pretzels, were sent to Earth by God himself. Pretzels alone could solve all of humanity’s problems if we just gave them the chance.