How To Sound Old

You don’t have to be on Facebook or Twitter. You do have to respect the new social media for the mere fact you have viewers and potential viewers who think it’s valuable.

I read some quotes today from a well respected anchor on a program with national reach. Who she is isn’t as important as what she said.

“I don’t have Facebook, and I don’t tweet. I don’t know what all this tweeting is about,”

You don’t have to be on Facebook or Twitter. Much of what goes on on both is insipid. You do have to respect social media for the mere fact viewers and potential viewers think it’s valuable. Being dismissive or disrespectful of your audience’s likes is seldom the road to success!

It’s no secret I hope people who read my blog or are friends with me on Facebook will also watch me on TV. I’m glad to open this personal connection. It’s valuable on a variety of levels.

A zillion years ago when I worked in Florida I watched a guy (probably a few decades younger than I am now) who seemed to be going through the motions. I was around 20. It upset me.

I made a commitment back then: never be him.

If you don’t keep up as the environment which surrounds you changes you’re just going through the motions. Who wants that?