The Sad Side Of Recycling

Hamden CT electronics recycling at town Transfer Station

Want proof we live in a throwaway society? Take a drive to the dump transfer station. We were there today with the electronics culled in our spring cleaning.

Because electronics is often loaded with lead and other heavy metals you can’t just toss it. It is recycled.

Hamden’s dump transfer station is just down the road from the Southern Connecticut State University campus. Helaine and I drove there early this afternoon and stopped at the electronics pile.

So much of what was there, computers, TVs, fax machines and printers, looked ready for service. Alas, the cost of repair is more than the cost of manufacturing! This is major problem in our modern society.

Even as I added my own gear to the pile I felt bad, but what could I do?

These old, heavy, bulky, working TVs are valueless when a spiffy HD LCD TV can be had for under $100, has a better picture, takes up less space and uses a lot less electricity.

My trip to the dump transfer station was the right thing to do. It still left me feeling bad.