The Child Returns

She flew all night. I’ve done that. It’s not real sleep. It’s some weird airline sleep.

My daughter is home. It’s been a very long time. Too long. She was anxious to come east.

She is our West Coast success story. Even if things aren’t always moving smoothly, they’re moving. Isn’t that how life works?

She flew all night. I’ve done that. It’s not real sleep. It’s some weird airline sleep.

She’s sleeping now. The redeye always wins!

As it turns out Stef loves Doppler. Shocker!

I don’t want to set up some conflict with Roxie, but Doppler is extra cute especially when performing her one-woman “Salute to Baby Seals” show.

This is not SoCal. We get winter. Helaine gave Stef a set of onesy feet pajamas! Families understand.

Stef wants to come to the station and bring Doppler (for a cameo). I’ll let you know.