Smoke Is Scary

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Helaine called from the road. She wanted to tell me about the Silverado Canyon Fire. At eight miles distant, it’s far enough to not be a threat, but close enough to see. There’s a layer of dirty pink smoke to my northeast. The photo above shows the smoke plume rising well beyond the homes in my neighborhood.

30500 Silverado Canyon Rd   Google MapsIt’s a 200 acre brush fire in a steep walled canyon. There’s not a lot of wind today. I’m hoping firefighters knock it down quickly.

I can’t smell the smoke–we’ve already had a few of those in our fifteen months here. Seeing it rise is enough.

silverado-canyon-dropFox 11’s live chopper feed has been following tankers dropping water and flame retardant. From their 8,000 foot perch the blaze looks massive.

When you live in a place where rainy days are few and far between, fires are a natural worry. It’s all being brought home today.