Tonight’s Snow: Slippery When Beautiful

know, I’m not a snow lover. Gorgeous snow seems so out of character for me.

Let’s change the subject for a while.

It snowed today. Much of the heavier snow came this afternoon and evening. It was a wet snow–a strange way to describe something that’s 100% water! It fell with the wind nearly calm.

There were two significant results from that setup. First the roads were a mess!

The wet snow signified critical temperatures near the melting point. Warm tires against wet snow equals an icy slush between you and the road and zero traction. Some drivers found out they had four wheel drive and no wheel stop!

Second, it was gorgeous!

I know, I’m not a snow lover. Gorgeous snow seems so out of character for me.

Snow that would usually be pushed to the ground with the slightest puff of breeze stayed put. The wet flakes slowly drifted down and accumulated on unlikely spots like branches. Everything is coated.

Tomorrow when the Sun comes out the treebound snow will melt. Beauty is transitory.