Geoff The Lawbreaker

He finally walked back to the car and handed everything back. There was still a piece of paper in his hand.

As predicted speed is much too appealing during my nightly trip through Cheshire!

The patrol car was off to the side of the road and well hidden in the dark. His lights were on before I even passed him! I pulled to the curb.

I wouldn’t want to be a cop. Who knows who you’re pulling over?

I turned on the interior light, pulled out my license and held it where it could be seen. Both hands were visible on the steering wheel.

I’m a middle age guy in a suit. I suspect I don’t look threatening, but I’ve always been told this is what you do.

If you’re wondering if I said anything ‘weatherish’ the answer is no. I was Eddy Haskell polite&#185. I hoped the officer knew me, but I wasn’t going there.

He took my license, registration and insurance card and walked away.

I was hoping for a warning. That only lasted the first few minutes. The longer it took the more I knew there was a ticket to follow.

He finally walked back to my car and returned my stuff. There was still a piece of paper in his hand.

“I’m giving you a written warning,” he said and then explained what it wasn’t.

When he was done I asked how fast?

He told me he knew my drive was longer, but he didn’t have to make an excuse for me. I was in the wrong. A ticket would not have been inappropriate.

I thanked him for his consideration. A police officer has lots of discretion. I am grateful for his.

I was above the limit, but I was also driving safely in a well maintained car on a dry and deserted road I know well. Unfortunately I don’t get to choose the speed limit.

I guess I’m going to have to reconsider driving through Cheshire.

&#185 – Seriously, if you don’t know who Eddy Haskell is please don’t tell me. I know it’s an old reference.