Look Who I Met Driving To Work

I’d estimate the turtle was a few feet long and seriously in need of both pedi and manicures. He was not friendly!

I’d been in the car a full thirty seconds when I made my first right turn and hit the brakes. I wasn’t sure what was going on at first. It looked like an animal had been struck and a driver was kneeling over it.

Wrong. The drive was kneeling, but over a huge turtle!

There are plenty of places for a turtle to live in peace in my neighborhood. We’ve got a few brooks and ponds. Plenty of turtle food!

I’d estimate the turtle was a few feet long and seriously in need of both pedi and manicures. He was not friendly! As I bent down with my cellphone to take a few shots he lunged toward me.

Let’s face it, as a turtle you don’t get to be his size by being friendly!

This incident ended when the man who first discovered the turtle picked him up by his tail and gently placed him back into the woods.

I wonder if the turtle will post pictures of me on his blog?