Google, Verizon and Me (But Mostly Them)

Where’s the no evil company that previously championed net neutrality? They want to redefine net neutrality so it’s not always neutral.

Have you seen the Google/Verizon position on net neutrality? I expected Verizon’s position but Google? Where’s the no evil company that once championed net neutrality? They want to redefine net neutrality so it’s not always neutral.

I am incredibly disappointed with Google and will begin to question my extremely complex relationship with them. This is a stunning turnaround!

The Electronic Freedom Foundation (and many others) chimed in. They disapprove too.

The problem is bandwidth providers like cable TV or phone and cellular companies are not dispassionate observers. Along with conserving their pipes they want to be able to monetize my surfing. I want my online requests fulfilled without worrying whether they’re also in the best interest of my carrier.

In this conflict shouldn’t I prevail? That’s what net neutrality is all about.

It’s tough for me to think companies like Verizon and now Google are operating with my best interest first. Maybe it is to be expected. That’s not evil. It’s just true.