Hey California: Don’t Kvetch About The Weather, OK? (video)

I don’t want to hear it. Was that clear enough? I just don’t want to hear it was crowded at the pool or the sunshine was blinding. Stifle it.

The mercury hit 100 degrees in San Diego today! Los Angeles came in at 96 degrees. People in Southern California were kvetching about the heat!

I don’t want to hear it. Was that clear enough? I just don’t want to hear it was crowded at the pool or the sunshine was blinding. Stifle it.

Thursday in Connecticut was awful. Chilly. Rainy. Breezy. Ugh!

I left work in a hard drizzle (yes, you can have a hard drizzle) that penetrated the atmosphere so effectively umbrellas were no help!

This would probably be a good night to start drinking! I’m frosted at Mother Nature and totally envious of my daughter who’s living in the San Fernando Valley complaining about the heat.

Cut me a break!

To you Stefanie I dedicate this video.

Your Thermometer Is Lying

It’s not that the thermometers aren’t accurate they’re just placed in locations where a legitimate reading is impossible.

Make no mistake, it was hot today in Connecticut. On-the-air I joked how most of Connecticut was hotter than Palm Springs and Las Vegas. That’s pretty strange for July.

Often I’ll get photos from people showing their thermometers and reading well beyond what I’ve shown on TV. The photo with this post comes from my car’s ‘carmometer.’

The thermometers are lying! It’s not that the thermometers aren’t accurate they’re just placed in locations where a legitimate reading is impossible.

There are rules to follow before a reading can be believed. Official temperatures are air temperatures and are taken away from buildings, out of the sunshine in a white, louvered shelter and over a grassy surface.

My car’s thermometer is over blazing black asphalt. Backyard thermometers often pick up direct sunlight or just some reflection. They’re usually near a house… often one with a heat spewing air conditioning compressor nearby.

Unless I stick with the real deal I’m compared apples and oranges. That’s a bad idea.

Accept no substitutes. I don’t

I Always Worry

I don’t have the stats, but I instinctively feel they’re older long time residents of neighborhoods that have changed around them. Their windows are closed and locked–maybe sealed shut.

I was interviewed by a reporter from the New Haven Register this afternoon. We were talking about Tuesday’s anticipated temperatures. The forecast has been reasonably consistent since last week with high temperatures and dew points.

For most people this will just be a briefly uncomfortable day. Flip the switch. Turn on the a/c. Worry not. Most of us are insulated from the ravages of weather extremes. Modern science has been kind to us.

Then there are the people who live in isolation often in homes/apartments sealed tight as can be. I don’t have the stats, but I instinctively feel they’re older long time residents of neighborhoods that have changed around them. Their windows are closed and locked–maybe nailed shut.

Warranted or not crime is a bigger fear than heat.

They will be very hot tomorrow. It will be dangerously hot. Some of these people are isolated from the rest of society. There’s no one to check and make sure they’re OK. There’s no one who cares.

Tonight I will sound like a nervous Nellie, but my admonitions probably won’t be for you. I’m talking to these people living out-of-sight.

I always worry.