Should I Have Called Charlie Sheen A Jerk?

I have little direct experience dealing with someone with a substance abuse problem as Charlie Sheen seems to have. Was I too judgmental?

Last night when I wrote about Charlie Sheen’s Detroit flameout I described him as a jerk. Many of you agreed. Many did not. The dissenters said Sheen is ill. I think Tricia’s and Wanda’s comments sum it up nicely:

Although Charlie Sheen has been the fodder of many news media, late night talk shows and blogs we need to focus on his mental state and not make light of or criticize his recent actions without knowing the facts.

Charlie Sheen needs some therapeutic assistance ASAP. This guy is not all there

I’ve read the comments and really thought about this a lot. I have little direct experience dealing with someone with a substance abuse problem as Charlie Sheen seems to have. Was I too judgmental?

It will be good if Sheen gets the help he obviously needs. No one, certainly not me, wants to see someone who is ill go untreated.

On the other hand his behavior affects others. People are out of work. Business relationships have dissolved. I can only speculate the toll this is taking on his family.

School me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Charlie gets a pass. Addiction or not he’s acting like a jerk.

Charlie Sheen: A Jerk Is A Jerk Is A Jerk

I think tonight qualifies as actually committing career suicide; show biz death at one’s own hands.

Sweet. Seriously, it’s sweet. Charlie Sheen got booed off the stage by people who paid money to see Charlie Sheen! This is how the “Violent Torpedo of Truth” made its debut in the Motor City Saturday.

What couldn’t be done by Charlie versus a porn star (why are there no porn character actors, only stars?) at the Plaza, or Charlie versus Chuck Lorre at Warner Brothers was done by Charlie on his own. Tonight qualifies as career suicide–show biz death at one’s own hands!

The most important thing to be gleaned from what went down at the Fox Theater in Detroit is writers rule!

Charlie may think he was everything to “Two and a Half Men.” He was not.

He was funny because the writing was funny. If Charlie could deliver well that was just a bonus.

Charlie was probably confused by Chuck Lorre’s ability to fashion stories in his own own voice. He mistakenly thought the dialog was actually Charlie speaking.

Guess he knows now.

As ‘talent’ I want to side with talent. Charlie Sheen made that totally impossible. A jerk is a jerk is a jerk.

In the land of literal and metaphorical whores Warner Brothers made what seems like a morally correct decision in letting him go. If there was any question til now tonight Charlie confirmed the judgement.