A Captioned World

IMAG1977The TV’s on. So is the captioning. For my dad it’s a godsend. He reads a lot better than he hears.

For me it’s a bit of a distraction. A worthy distraction, but a distraction.

Live captions follow live speech by five seconds or more. It removes the dialog from the action. You watch the touchdown and the replay before you read about it.

When it’s live, words are misspelled or a similarly sounding word is substituted for the correct on. Watching captions isn’t like listening. Context is missing.

The Tender Trap is on TCM at the moment. TCMs captions are great. Nicely formatted. In sync with the on-screen dialog. Out of the way at the very bottom of the screen.

When captions are on it’s hard not to look at them instead of the film. I find myself having to consciously move my eyes back to the actors.

All this is small peanuts. For my dad, for whom hearing is difficult, captions work.

Back To Work

I’ve had two epidurals, an MRI, countless x-rays, blood tests, EKGs a few days in the hospital and full fledged back surgery. My insurance policy has a maximum yearly out-of-pocket which I’ll surely reach.

Since August 16 I haven’t worn real shoes. Until this past Friday I hadn’t even driven a car.

I return to work Monday. It’s my first time on-the-job since Thursday, August 16. That’s 53 days spent mostly on my side and definitely off my feet!

I’ve had two epidurals, an MRI, countless x-rays, blood tests, EKGs a few days in the hospital and full fledged back surgery.

My insurance policy has a maximum yearly out-of-pocket which I’ll surely reach.

Since August 16 I haven’t worn real shoes. Until this past Friday I hadn’t even driven a car.

Helaine and I began walking Friday. There’s very little discomfort, but also diminished stamina. That’s to be expected. Walking will begin my physical comeback.

My sleeping schedule has been wildly erratic. I went to bed early (for me) last night–around 4:00 AM. Even though I slept nearly nine hours I still took a nap before dinner. In that regard I’m spoiled.

Is there a way to do that at work? Probably not.

I’ve already written and recorded the audio track for tomorrow’s science story on MRIs! Report what you know, right?

My plan is to get to work a little early tomorrow. There are people to see and forms to deliver. I have learned extended time away is loaded with paperwork!

I also understand Short Term Disability. I’ve seen it on my check for decades. Until now I had no clue exactly what it was.

Helaine has baked! Just like my first day at FoxCT/Hartford Courant, my first day back brings chocolate chip cookies for my co-workers.

I’m not supposed to lift. Hopefully I can find someone who will help me carry my load from the car. Extra cookies for whoever does!