My Open Letter To Governor Elect Malloy

Seriously, does everyone who enters Connecticut really need to know it’s you there in the Governor’s Mansion?

Dear Governor-elect Malloy,

You’re just a few weeks away from officially taking office. I’m sure it’s both exciting and scary. The state’s financial house is pretty shaky. From here on out you’re the one held responsible whether you’re responsible or not!

I wish there was something you could do to fix all our problems in one fell swoop. Of course there’s not. Instead you’re going to have to have to make many difficult and probably unpopular choices.

Luckily there is one choice you can make right away which will be very popular and though it won’t save much money it will symbolize what’s to come.

Don’t put your name on every damn sign in the state!

Seriously, does everyone who enters Connecticut really need to know it’s you there in the Governor’s Mansion?

I’m not sure how many signs there are that need to be changed, but it’s surely a lot–more than most of us probably realize. Doing this in a D.O.T. sign shop is not cheap!

So, what do you say? Take my advice. The repainted signs always look like crap anyway.

All the best,