Up On The Roof

The roofers have been working since early this morning Hawaiian time (which, though in Connecticut, is what I live on). I could make a mint if I could only figure out a way to put a silencer on a hammer.

When they first came, Helaine suggested I head to the basement. You would think roofers – basement – what could be more separate?

Like I said: hammer silencers. There’s a fortune to be made.

To add insult to injury, the phone rang. I answered and said, “Hello.”

“Hi, this is Mindy McCourtney from HSN.”

But it really wasn’t Mindy. It was a tape of Mindy… or more accurately, a file of Mindy’s voice. You can’t tell a recording to stop, so I looked at the caller ID and dialed HSN.

You would think this is easily fixed. “Hi, you woke me. Don’t do that again.”


This stems from something Helaine bought, so they claim only Helaine can stop it. Say what? She’s not here now.

What kind of screwy policy is that? They know what phone I’m calling from (because their system makes my caller ID look quaint). They hear my story. Why not err on the side of caution?

Are there really people who will feel hurt if Mindy McCourtney’s disembodied voice doesn’t call them from time-to-time? I can have my calls forwarded to them!