A Full Day Wearing My Contacts

I wore them nine hours today, but was getting a little uncomfortable after seven and a half. I suspect that problem goes away with time.

Day one with the contacts instead of glasses. A few emails. A little Twitter traffic. Few complaints.

ctyankeegrl76: @geofffox i thought there was something different about u tonight!! hope it works out for you!

I hope it works out for me too.

jimbodunky: @geofffox I was wondering if the wind blew your glasses away or something. I tried contacts and hated them. Lasik gave me 20/10 vision. 🙂

I’m sure lasik was good for Jim, but it scares the living s**t out of me!

clamairy: @geofffox Best of luck to you with them. Say goodbye to the pressure spots your glasses leave on your nose!

Pressure spots are minor. The big p-i-t-a was when I was taking photos. My camera, with an old school viewfinder, would push my glasses against my lashes. This dirtied the lenses in a way difficult to describe and more difficult to clean!

I wore the lenses nine hours today, but was getting a little uncomfortable after seven and a half. I suspect that problem goes away with time.

There’s also the question of distance focusing. If that can be fixed I’m home free.

Oh–the right lens tried escaping again tonight!