Thinking Back To My First Computer

I have been around computers a long time. In high school, in 1967, I started playing games on a timeshare computer that my high school’s chemistry department somehow obtained. It was in a slender room, more like a large closet.

There was no screen. Everything printed out to a teletypewriter.

I have been around computers a long time. In high school I started playing games on a timeshare computer that my high school’s chemistry department somehow obtained. There was no screen. Everything printed out to a teletypewriter. To connect to the ‘mother’ computer you dialed a number then put the phone receiver in rubber cups on the modem.

1967. Wow, that’s a long time ago.

My first personal computer was a TRS-80 Model 1. That was 1979.

There was no floppy nor hard drive. No printer either. You couldn’t connect to anything. It wouldn’t have mattered. The Internet hadn’t been invented.

Programs were loaded in via a cassette deck. It was a terrible method terribly implemented.

The computer had 8 Kb or RAM. The laptop I’m typing on has 3Gb. That’s 375,000 times more!

The TRS-80 had no practical purpose. It helped establish there would be a market for personal computers. It was loads of fun.