But Words Will Never Harm Me

Yeah, I can insert an asterisk or other nonsense character. Somehow that sanitizes the word even though everyone knows what I wrote. You know what I wrote, right?

We’ve got interesting rules in this modern world. There are words you’re not supposed to say. They’re hurtful. they’re profane. They’re verboten!

There’s the “n” word and the “f” bomb. You get the idea. I can say poop, but I for some reason I can’t use its four letter equivalent. They are the same right?

No sh*t!

Yeah, I can insert an asterisk or other nonsense character. Somehow that sanitizes the word even though everyone knows what I wrote. You know what I wrote, right?

This is crazy.

So it’s not the meaning or intent that causes trouble, it’s the way the letters are placed.

Often the word is part of the story. If someone calls another person he “n” word doesn’t it make sense to say it when you quote it? No one does.

I suppose I could illustrate these words by using them, but they’re so powerful I’d likely get in trouble with my bosses or the company that hosts my website. Certainly someone would be offended. That’s not my intention, but still my responsibility.

Here’s my take. All these forbidden words should be freed for use when the word itself is part of the story. If someone calls someone else the “n” word I should be able to say or write that word.

Using these euphemisms takes the sting out. It dulls the hurt. The best way to show how hateful a word is is by using it.

I’m just not courageous enough to be the trail blazer.