First Fruit

It looks like a cherry tomato, but it’s supposed to be full size.

This plant is growing in a pot. Maybe I should thin things out a little to concentrate the growth? I don’t know. I’ve never had to do that before.


I just ate my first tomato of the season. It’s still April. I usually don’t plant until Memorial Day. Oh, California!

Here’s the problem. It looks like a cherry tomato, but it’s supposed to be full size.

This plant is growing in a pot. Maybe I should thin things out a little to concentrate the growth? I don’t know. I’ve never had to do that before.

The taste was good, though a little pulpy. Not as many seeds as I expected.

I’ll keep observing. Tomatoes are worth it.

Local Strawberries Come Home

strawberry field irvine aerial


Irvine produces a lot of strawberries! It’s likely the farmland will become housing at some point. Not yet.

Meanwhile, the satellite image (thanks Google) at the top of this post shows one of many strawberry fields in my part of town.

If there’s a crop that lends itself to the anal retentive it’s strawberries! The fields are geometric works of art. The plastic wrapped raised beds run straight as an arrow. My office isn’t as neat.

Helaine stopped for some at a local farm stand. They are exquisite. We’re told they’ll be available through the summer.

Is this a fair trade for pizza? No, it is not.

You take what you can get.