From Somewhere Over Central Florida

It’s been years since I threaded my way through Florida thunderstorms. That’s probably what’s on tap today.

“Eighty miles north of Tampa.” That’s the word from “Sully” up front. The ride is silky smooth now. The first hour was very choppy.

I can’t tell you what happened in between as I fell asleep while watching “This Week in Technology.” Sorry Leo.

There are light cumulus clouds under the plane. Off to the east (where we’ll soon be heading) things are more complex.

It’s been years since I threaded my way through Florida thunderstorms. That’s probably what’s on tap today.

Sleeptime is over. A short stop in TPA then southeast to FLL.

Addendum: We made it, but with a slow circle over the swamp! Within minutes of being airborne we were told there was a thunderstorm directly over Ft. Lauderdale Airport. Here’s the flightpath.