Just One Trick-Or-Treater

“You’re our first,” Helaine said. “We’ve been hearing that a lot,” the princesses father replied. And that was it! No one else came.

Helaine goes to great lengths prepping for Halloween. We have no shortage of candy. If by chance a fully loaded fleet of buses stopped at our door we’d survive.

“It’s my favorite holiday,” she said tonight.

She likes giving. Halloween is a big giving holiday.

This year I had my camera at the ready. My goal was to ask first then photograph the trick-or-treaters and post the results here on my blog.

We went through 4:00, then 5:00, then 6:00 with no kids. Finally the bell rang. Neighbors from a block over were on our steps. Their daughter was dressed as a princess.

“You’re our first,” Helaine said.

“We’ve been hearing that a lot,” the princesses father replied.

And that was it! No one else came.

How sad.

The boys next door have grown too old. Other kids from the block have grown or moved or both. We live in a quiet area of no sidewalks on a street with no streetlights. We’re geographically undesirable!

I’m not sure how we’ll deal with Halloween next year. At our house it’s lost some of its magic.

Candy Filled Pre-Halloween Thoughts

I wish they still had UNICEF trick or treating. As a kid my little container full of pennies and nickels made me feel I was doing something good.

Halloween approaches. It’s less than a week away. Helaine has already bought the Halloween candy we’ll hand out. It is secretly hidden. She won’t tell where. I won’t even bother asking.

As it is we always have some candy left over from the last Halloween in the pantry. It’s good to have a pantry! If I eat something late at night and become guilt ridden I bury the wrapper in the trash so it’s less visible. I’m sure Helaine has caught on to this by now.

This stuff isn’t food, it’s food product! It’s manufactured… and manufactured to last. Packing your post apocalyptic survival cellar? Pack Halloween food!

I’m sixty. When I was a kid they were saying the same things about non-packaged food they do now. Did anyone think people were handing out apples even back then? Nothing changes… except collecting for UNICEF.

I wish they still had UNICEF boxes with trick or treating. As a kid my little container full of pennies and nickels made me feel I was doing something good. Hopefully I was.

It’s a little late in the entry to mention, but this whole rant comes about because I spied some candy corn sitting on a paper plate while walking through the newsroom. Candy corn is the only Halloween food I’ve never eaten. It looks like rotten teeth!

I can get past a lot in my quest for empty sugary calories, but rotten teeth? Hand me a Twinkie.