You’ve Seen The Weatherman Video, Right?

It’s pretty brutal. He’s obviously upset What he did was wrong. He probably regrets it now. Still wrong!

There’s a clip online showing KTLA’s Henry DeCarlo throwing a fit on-the-air (video at the bottom of this entry). It’s pretty brutal. He’s obviously upset What he did was wrong. He probably regrets it now. Still wrong!

I wasn’t there, but he explained his grief.

Often when the weather isn’t critical we are asked to do ‘soft’ live shots. He was doing one. But, if the producer doesn’t give you extra time it’s impossible to do the live shot and the weather.

It’s probable he hadn’t asked and wasn’t told. He was surprised when he got the first time cues.

However, if you’re in Market #2 you’re supposed to have enough restraint to hold it in until you’re through. No one needs to see the everyday conflict that’s part of every job.

In this regard I am not totally without sin. Gratefully it was pre-YouTube.