John Mayer’s Gutsy Tweets

So, to the million or so who follow John’s tweets it’s an open invite to an LA club.

I find this totally amazing. From John Mayer’s Twtter account:

johncmayer: Gonna hit up Hotel Cafe in Hollywood at 11ish… 21+ I’ll trade you new songs for no videoing them? : ) (((bats lashes))) Need guinea pigs.

So, to the million or so who follow John’s tweets it’s an open invite to an LA club. Where are the minions? Where is the posse? Where is the buffer zone between John and his fans? He doesn’t need them–at least not outwardly.

I give him a lot of credit. It’s a “ballsily” cool move. He is using the force wisely.

One thought on “John Mayer’s Gutsy Tweets”

  1. Wow, and the Hotel Cafe is small, too … maybe only half again bigger than Cafe Nine. I can only imagine what a scene that must’ve been last night.

    So far the best use of Twitter I’ve seen yet was during SXSW in March, when musician Amanda Palmer (formerly of the Boston band the Dresden Dolls) tweeted that she was hosting a pillow fight at an intersection in the center of the action in 20 minutes. Almost 50 people showed up with pillows from their hotel rooms. Feathers flew. It was awesome.

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