The New Twitter Plugin I Just Installed

It’s officially a digitally incestuous world!

I just stumbled upon this little plugin which will tweet all my blog postings to my Twitter account… which then dumps it into my Facebook account.

It’s officially a digitally incestuous world!

3 thoughts on “The New Twitter Plugin I Just Installed”

  1. Geoff – What is the name of the plug in you just installed?

    I saw something that Facebook was working on to go the other way (i.e. from Facebook to Twitter).

  2. I just did some bash scripting and made a little module that sends a tweet when MythTV finishes recording a show. Pretty cool. Although one of my followers said..

    “Dude, Seriously? You’re going to twitter every time you record a show?”

    I tried to explain that it was more about the challenge of writing the code than it was about having a tweet saying that Mythbusters has been recorded.. but I think that was lost on her.

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