The Icy Way Home

It was only when I turned to climb our little hill that I began to see tracks in the wet roadway. It was a combination of ice and water–very slippery.

Tonight’s weather has been well forecast. Freezing rain and sleet were expected and came when and where predicted. In fact I took Helaine’s 4WD to work for that reason. It didn’t make any difference. It was a scary trip home.

Those who know me know I drive too fast, but not too fast for conditions. When it’s wet I slow down a lot.

From the station to Hamden driving wasn’t a problem. Temps were above 32&#176. A steady rain fell.

It was only when I turned to climb our little hill that I began to see tracks in the wet roadway. It was a combination of ice and water–very slippery.

You climb 285 feet in under a mile to get to my place. The road winds upward past homes built last year and in the 1700s. During the summer the entire road sits under a canopy of leaves and branches. It’s pretty, but not built for this.

I was nervous.

God, I love 4WD on nights like this. Helaine’s SUV clung tight. I’ve driven in enough winter weather to understand steady is as important as slow. The lowered traction was never a problem.

I pulled in to the garage glad to be home and off the road.

There are a lot of jobs where it’s defensible to miss work because of how awful the weather is. I am not allowed that excuse.

2 thoughts on “The Icy Way Home”

  1. Geoff, if you reported from home on Skype, with a little remote help from your engineers using graphics, it would send a great message to stay home. Granted, it might be your last broadcast!

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