Roxie Leaves The Fractions!

“She’s tiny and little,” Stef will say, “and freakishly long.”

“She’s in the digits. She’s not in the fractions anymore.” The words are from Stef. She is speaking about Roxie who turns one today.

Whatever you’ve heard about the impact of dogs on humans, they are that meaningful and then some. I’m not sure how Stef would have survived moving across the country without Roxie’s company.

Over the last twelve months Roxie has grown. She is a maxi mini dachshund. We were told she’d get as heavy as 11 pounds. She’s closer to 14.

We call her Roodle and Roo and Poosun and Roosun and Poodle. She answers to them all. It’s the doggie equivalent of being multilingual!

“She’s tiny and little,” Stef will say, “and freakishly long.”

Happy birthday Roxie. Many happy returns.

One thought on “Roxie Leaves The Fractions!”

  1. “Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring – it was peace.”

    milan kundera

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