Is Unstoppable One Of “Those” Movies?

When this movie hits cable guys will watch it enough times to memorize the dialog (and I expect there really won’t be much of that anyway).

I seldom fish for comments in the blog. I will today. “Unstoppable,” the new runaway train movie that’s had nearly as many commercials as Linda McMahon (remember her?) is now in theaters.

This is a guy movie, right? Women will have little desire to attend.

Seriously, there are guy movies and there are… oh, hell I can’t think of a good non-sexist euphemism for chick flick.

The opposite sex attends the other’s movie to be social. How many guys saw “Sex And The City II” willingly?

When this movie hits cable guys will watch it enough times to memorize the dialog (and I expect there really won’t be much of that anyway).

I see “Unstoppable” in the “Under Siege,” “Die Hard” genre, no? No matter where the movie is when you tune in it’s perfectly OK to just pick it up. Not much is lost if you’re not there for the opening credits.

Give it a few years. This will be on TNT every twenty minutes.

3 thoughts on “Is Unstoppable One Of “Those” Movies?”

  1. My whole family wants to see it – two guys and two gals.
    Of course our family likes trains anyways!!

    It will be on DVD so fast I’ll be able to buy it for spring birthdays.

    I’m just hoping we haven’t seen the best parts in commercials and trailers. I hate that!!!

  2. This is typical formulaic Hollywood blockbuster. Macho men on the road trying to save the home tribe from impending doom. The tribesmen/women/small children are filmed showing anger, fear, hope and eventually joy and pride when the hero’s return home. Joseph Campbell metaphors used and abuse to the hilt. But hey, the majors need to make money on films like this so that they can make smaller, more meaningful films too. Right?

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