Oh, You Must Hate That

Maybe this is a secret to my happiness? I love people recognizing me, saying hello and valuing my opinion.

I’ve been looking through my stuff recently trying to find bits and pieces to toss. It’s amazing what you accrue through life. Even when it’s worthless parting is such sweet sorrow!

The attached video was on a CD. It’s a promo the station produced a few years ago.

The part that strikes me as memorable is where I mention people walking up to me thinking I don’t like people walking up to me asking about the weather. Maybe this is a secret to my happiness? I love people recognizing me, saying hello and valuing my opinion.

[jwplayer config=”geofffox.com player” image=”/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/testpattern.png” mediaid=”8994″]

9 thoughts on “Oh, You Must Hate That”

  1. Yes, there is only one Geoff Fox….what were they thinking?

    A little insomnia, Geoff? I couldn’t sleep and was doing some work at 4:00am and noticed you posted this then.

    1. It’s just a standard image for the movie player. It has nothing to do with this video. I probably should make it less confusing.

  2. There we have it. Geoff Fox being—-Geoff Fox!!! And what the station gave us is a guy who can’t even pronounce New Haven. Go figure.

  3. My mom was an actor in Karachi, Pakistan in the 60s and 70s. There was one channel. In fact, she was a weatherwoman also. She absolutely loathed it when people asked her for her autograph. I would love if people recogonized me in public and valued my apperance!

  4. Gosh! it’s been a long time since I’ve seen that Indian Head test pattern. I remember waiting for it to go away and a show would start. That was when it was channel 6. then the Lone Ranger would start. those were the days.
    I bet those Indian Head test pattern cards are worth something.

  5. The WTNH weather promo I have always wondered about is the one that was a fake for the Supercalifragilisticexpialidoppler back in around 2006.

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