Officially Best Of… Sorta

While the camera was rolling they shoved an award in my hand, “Best Funeral Home.”

Tonight was “Best of” presentation night from the New Haven Advocate. A lot of you seemed to be surprised right along with me. The secret of my success: getting canned! As mentioned earlier that paid off at the polls!

Geoff Fox got more votes than the combined totals in many categories. He got so many votes we stopped
counting them.

There was a nice writeup in the Advocate, though it never made it online until tonight. Then I got a note from the Advocate’s publisher Josh Mamis.

Hey, are you going to be available to co-host the awards next Tuesday evening? Chaz and AJ want to kick it off, and leave early because they get up early, so they could hand off to you, or you could all three do it together — I don’t really care, I think you three would have some fun no matter how we slice & dice it.

It sounded good. I like Josh, Chaz and AJ and am grateful to the Advocate. Why not?

My TV station FoxCT wanted to show a bit on the air so we sent a photographer while I brought Rachel Frank to ‘meet New Haven.’

Chaz and AJ ran the show for a while. When they were ready to scoot my name was announced and my honor… except they had forgotten to make an award for me. My ‘special’ recognition had slipped between the cracks! While the camera was rolling they shoved an award in my hand, “Best Funeral Home.”

You can’t make this stuff up!

7 thoughts on “Officially Best Of… Sorta”

  1. Classic! Best funeral home…. In a way, a message there… The past behind you, good memories and you’ve survived, head held high and you’ve moved on to bigger and better things with a very strong following 🙂 you are the best

  2. that’s hilarious!! best funeral home! Maybe you’ll photograph your award when you DO receive it and post it right here – to share.

  3. GEOFF, You certainly deserve the ADVOCATE AWARD, hands down! RACHEL FRANK is so cute, your lucky to work with her!!! I guess moving from station to station, is just part of the business, look at HOWARD STERN!!! LOL!!! By the way, got any of those magnets, hanging around?? I’m a collector (they are cheaper than sports memorabilia!!) 🙂

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