I’m Thinking A Lot About Age

I had a few people tell me I’d visited their elementary school years ago. These were grownups talking. That’s about the most depressing thing I can hear.

I was an auctioneer this evening. That’s a skill I picked up along the way–part of my toolkit. I was helping out with the Milford Chamber of Commerce’s charity golf outing. This event funds scholarships an a few small grants.

Milford’s event was held in Stratford. Isn’t that like cheating on your spouse? Isn’t Milford’s Chamber supposed to encourage business in Milford. I didn’t ask, but I couldn’t have been the only one thinking that.

Bic was a major sponsor. Bic’s American operations are based in Milford. It’s nice when a big corporation is a good local citizen.

I had a few people tell me I’d visited their elementary school years ago. These were grownups talking. That’s about the most depressing thing I can hear.

I’ve gotten to the point when people tell me I look young for my age I get internally upset. Looking young doesn’t take anything off the calendar.

From People Magazine: ON GLORIA STEINEMS 50TH birthday, somebody had the nerve to tell her that she looked good for her age. “This is what 50 looks like,” was the feminist’s oft-quoted response.

I’m not sure why, but I’m thinking about age a lot nowadays. Contrary to my assumption at 16 there’s nothing good in getting older!

I’m going to stop before I get too depressed.

22 thoughts on “I’m Thinking A Lot About Age”

  1. I fully understand. I only recently faced the fact that most of my co-workers were 10 to 30 years younger than me. I got an involuntary transfer out of my department which really was blatant age discrimination. My bosses hoped I would be unhappy and retire. They were right, I retired. Yes, now I am thinking about age alot.

  2. My husband Paul is a retired Quinnipiac professor. (You and I talked about him earlier…you interviewed him years ago about the Polling Institute.) He often meets former students who tell him “You haven’t changed a bit.” His standard reply is “Did I really look this bad 30 years ago?” Gets a chuckle every time.

  3. I hear ya Geoff – have been thinking the same for a while now….I think it started when I became an adult orphan. It tends to hit you between the eyes the “I’m next syndrome” along with Dad and Mom not being here in the physical sense. Purl – I understand when your boss is younger you are not secure anymore in any job!! Sorry Geoff – your not alone, us baby boomers are plentiful!! On the up side this weekend people in my high school class have put together a birthday party for all of us turning 60. Luckily, they have mostly all turned it already – na-na-ne-na-nahhhh I won’t until Sept. 🙂

    1. It is strange to be an adult orphan at 60! I’m simply not old enough to be the “lead” generation. But do I take comfort in that I am the youngest of the cousins, with several in their 70s. But after 18 years of single parenting,and 12 years of managing the elder care for my folks, I am now free to do whatever I want. That is what I REALLY enjoy about 60!

  4. I keep thinking I shouldn’t have to work so hard at “this” age (Day Job plus lots of freelance), but between Recessionitis and bag lady fear, I’ll keep at it till my head drops down on the keyboard.

  5. Some of my daycare kids are having kids. I’m 48. One day, someone might call me Grandma. And you Grandpa. (not the same same kid) But we strive to be someone that the little person will look up to. And I think we’ll succeed. So let’s stop counting!
    (Did you buy that? Yeah, I’m still feeling old too.)

  6. Faced with a milestone birthday myself this year, I was reminded by a friend: “The best years of a person’s life are the 10 years between 39 and 40.”

  7. Geoff,
    I try to live by my Motto: AGE IS ONLY A NUMBER! One is as young as one feels! Don’t dwell on your age or comments made by individuals who inform you how young they were when you visited their class. I believe you are a great role model for the younger generation. You have a great sense of humor,very knowlegable and a good sport in all avenues of life. During the “not so good moment” in your life you handled yourself admirably during a difficlut stressful time. Hang in there — you have tons of company aging right along with you!

  8. I was surprised to read you are older than I am ( not by much, mind you). I thought you were in your 40’s so don’t be upset , you don’t look your age at all.

  9. Geoff, you and me both! I hear myself talk about my aches and pains and sigh. But watch out! I am the owner of 2 new knees and I am going to put some miles on them! Maybe for you starting a new job has something to do with your outlook. You are fabulous! and are loved in this state by many. You have earned that status. No 30 year old can make that claim!

  10. I believe in the Disney adage – act your shoe size!

    My office consists of people young enough to be my kids; sometimes I’m not happy about that fact, other times I just don’t notice.

    Since I’m 10 years old (see above), it doesn’t matter that I’ll qualify for Medicare in 9 years.

  11. Geoff, I seem to recall an earlier post where you mention a July birthday…is this part of what has you in a funk? Don’t let the well meaning fans who treasure their memories of you get you down. Now, when these fans GRANDCHILDREN are adults and have fond memories of your school visits, then an age funk would be totally appropriate. Anyway, buck up my friend, and hang in there.

  12. Not sure if you remember (or knew), but a resident of 6543 used to add 10 years to her age so people would comment “Wow, you look so much younger”

  13. There is only one alternative to getting older!! And I think it is rougher when you are on TV, where so much emphasis can be put on that youthful appearance. Still, age has not stopped Dr. Mel! (Sorry to mention your competition, but we still love him.)

  14. What’s interesting that you begin to be aware that you are not ‘relevant’ to many in the service professions – they start to ignore you at registers and counters….the eyes slide over over you…..I don’t look my real age, but I’m noticing this phenomenon. I suspect it doesn’t apply to Geoff, however.
    On a tangent- this morning I could watch the Fox weather video on my iPad (YAY) but I can’t load the mid-day or 4 PM casts.
    Since I don’t receive Fox OTA (no cable here) I have to crank up the computer. I was really pleased to see that I could watch the Am forecast. Bummer at I can’t load the rest. Is this coming soon?

  15. I retired from teaching five years ago. Now I realize that the first group of third graders I had are eligible for AARP! That really makes me feel old.

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