It’s My Birthday

If the photostuff had come with charged batteries I’d be talking to you later, not now.

It’s my birthday. Maybe that’s not the kind of thing one should point out about ones self? Too late. Facebook. Cat’s out of the bag.

On my way home tonight Stef called. It was three of midnight. She asked me to wait. While I did she conferenced in Helaine. This was a first. Stef has mastered a new skill.

At midnight they sang happy birthday in the silly, laughy way only a family can understand. I’m not saying family life is always silly and laughy, but a family has such deep understanding of each other it’s easy to know what will play!

Helaine baked. Banana cake with an amazing frosting. Wow.

I got cards from Stef and Helaine and a few friends. There were a couple of gifts including some photo equipment.

If the photo stuff had come with charged batteries I’d be talking to you later, not now.

The Facebook greetings have begun to flow in. By the end of the day hundreds of you will have wished me Happy Birthday and I will have read every one while looking at your teeny little profile picture.

I love your profile pictures. You look like the crowd I’d see at the DMV. It’s a place everyone has to come regardless of position or social status.

I like getting your birthday wishes. You are very kind.

Helaine asked I not mention my age. I won’t.

I will only say I walk the stairs as often as I can at work–at least once, sometimes twice a day from the basement to the third floor. Walking the stairs is like checking the oil in your car. Doing it will let you know when something goes wrong, but it won’t fix something that’s already broken.

Last year was tumultuous. It ended like a fairytale where the protagonist rides off into the sunset his head held high. I like a fairytale ending.

It was the middle that sucked.

I would like a better year next year, please.

37 thoughts on “It’s My Birthday”

  1. One “better year” coming up! I just placed the order for you, Geoff. I hope it arrives safely and well packaged and that as you open it and begin to dig through the layers of packing material you find that each moment was wrapped up just for you. Make sure you dig through every scrap of packing material, Geoff. It’s impossible to know just where in the box they’ve packed each moment and you wouldn’t want to miss one of them! As you unwrap and unbury these moments over the next 365 days, Geoff, make sure to pay attention to when each of those moments becomes a treasured memory. What a transformation that can be! I’m sure some of the moments will arrive in damaged condition; some will be damaged beyond repair. But please don’t let that dishearten you. I guarantee that more of them will be whole & intact than will be dented, dinged or scratched. Enjoy them all, Geoff, for whatever they bring to your life…..they’re all yours!
    Oh, and Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday again Geoff….(see fb post)…..Amazing how your year went from 0 to 60 in just a few months, you are back with us on TV. Best present for us ever!!! So happy for you and your family……by the way…will Helaine share her recipe for the cake and frosting???

  3. Happy Birthday, Geoff! Loved hearing about your daughter and wife singing Happy Birthday to you! We do that also in our family. I have one son and five sisters, neices, etc. Just about everyone will call and sing. If they don’t get you on the phone, they leave it on the machine so you don’t miss out. It’s a wonderful family tradition and as silly as it might sound it makes my birthday, getting all those family calls. It makes me feel special and remembered.
    You’ve had some year! So glad that it ended happily for you! Let’s hope the year ahead is a great one. Enjoy your special day! The way you have done the weather always makes us feel like family. Know that my husband and I are singing happy birthday to you through the message I’m sending. Enjoy your day!!
    Jane & Joe

  4. Happy birthday, Geoff! Many more happies to come! When are we coming over to have some of Helaine’s cake?

  5. Geoff, Happy Birthday!!! Wish has been granted…this year will be a much better year, promise! Hope your birthday is everything you want it to be and more!! Again, Happy ??? Birthday!! P.S. Is AARP after you to join yet?

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thinking if we remember correctly you should be about 39 now. I remember singing Happy Birthday at East Gate, and you going golfing in the Geoff mobile with your father. Aghh the days when we were all young…

    see you for the fieldtrip soon. Love to the family.



    ~The Bogrette’s

  7. Happy Birthday, Geoff… was my Dad’s birthday, too! If you are as Leo(nine) as he was, you probably have several closets filled with clothes (suitable for the camera)! Many blessings in the coming year….you deserve them!

  8. Happy Birthday Geoff. If I’m right, you’re younger than me, so cheer up. Good health and good times to you.

  9. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you..! May everyday be as blessed as your day today.

  10. Remember the Disney adage – Don’t act your age, act your shoe size! Works for me

    Hope it’s a wonderful day.

  11. Happy Birthday Geoff…I will not spill the beans on the number. I wish you all the best, seems like 2011 turned out decent after all the turmoil in the beginning of the year. Hope it continues for as long as you like!!

  12. Happy Birthday Mr. Fox!!!!!!!! Thanks for making the weather even more interesting then it already is; I’m sure next year will be insanely awesome for you.

    Hang in there!

  13. ♪♫•*¨*•..•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you,
    ♪♫•*¨*•.Happy Birthday to you,.•*¨*•♫♪♪♫•*Happy Birthday dear Geoff,¨*•..•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday to you! And a happier year ahead!

  14. And I too add birthday greetings! Your year started badly and has turned around in the middle. May it continue to bring bigger and better. Best wishes for a great birthday!

  15. Belated “happy birthday, Geoff”. Was busy babysitting grandchildren so somehow “missed” that it was your special day. Best wishes for a wonderful upcoming year!!

    “Grammy” Ruth

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