Friday Night’s Meteor

It’s the middle of the night. I’m unshaven and wearing pjs. I still thought the time was right to get in front of the camera and tell you a little about Friday’s meteor. It was seen up and down the East Coast from the Middle Atlantic States to New England.

More will be known later Saturday, but here’s your first briefing.

7 thoughts on “Friday Night’s Meteor”

  1. Geoff, good to see you. Thanks for this report. You always give such thorough explanations about things and you make it all so interesting. I’m always looking forward to your next report.

  2. Thanks for showing this Geoff. Very cool event (we’re having a lot of these signs in the sky lately).

    I was just playing the video and my wife heard it and said, “Oh, I saw that last night on my walk. [she went out around 8] It was green and had a long tail. I thought someone was shooting off fireworks.”

    Pretty cool but doesn’t say much for marital dialog on a Friday night!

  3. Geoff, How are you? Thanks for the meteor info. Very interesting. Question: Scientist profess to be able to detect potential meteors that may or may not hit the earth years in advance. Why wasn’t the meteor video taped in Russia, detected earlier? I think it was Russia. The pictures were crazy, but we didn’t hear anything about this event until it happened.

  4. Sorry but I missed it completely. My apartment faces North and East so just glancing out the window wouldn’t have helped. I only heard about it once I got online to check the news this afternoon after work.
    But as you said the news shows will show clips of it ad nauseum for the next day or so. So I’ll see what it looked like from other peoples point of view.
    Thanks for the report.

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