Doppler’s Birthaversary

We still can’t understand how anyone abandoned this dog–but someone surely did.

She arrived at the pound with her nails curling inward, her coat matted with poop and mud. She was left in a baseball dugout with her brother (or father–we don’t know), Bentley.


Three years ago today a very apprehensive Helaine and I drove to the pound in Wallingford to get Doppler. A few days earlier Doppler chose me when I came to look at their ‘special case.’

We still can’t understand how anyone abandoned this dog–but someone surely did.

She was left in a baseball dugout with her brother (or father–we don’t know), Bentley. They arrived at the pound with their nails curling inward, their coats matted with poop and mud.

Doppler get her hair cut-IMG_7871-05262012-h700We’ve heard stories. Sometimes people become sick, or die. Their relatives don’t know what to do with the dog. Sometimes people lose jobs and can no longer afford the upkeep.

A dog discarded is the end of what’s already a tragic story.

We took a chance adopting. We got lucky!

May262013_3798She came trained. She came polite. She came laid back. She fit in perfectly starting on day one.

Doppler has seen a lot in the past three years. And now, after a coast-to-coast ride on Helaine’s lap, she’s a Cali girl.

A few hours after we brought Doppler home our friends Cheryl and Steve adopted Bentley. Another “happily ever after” story.

doppler-doesn't-want-to-be-recycledWe don’t really know how old Doppler is. She’s very puppyesque, but our Connecticut vet’s estimation (based on her teeth) is six or seven.

Who got luckier? Doppler or us?

3 thoughts on “Doppler’s Birthaversary”

  1. It’s a tie – you both win. She gets a loving home, you get a cute puppy who will love you and always be happy to see you. Skritches to Doppler

  2. There’s nothing better than a wet nose, a wagging tail, and an affirmative yelp or purrrrr to validate that all the love our pets return is worth it!!

  3. I agree with Debbie, It is not a case of “who” singular. You all got Lucky—Doppler is safe and happy, and you & Helaine are proud and loving owners. Doppler has shown her resilience and ability to adapt—whereever you wander—as long as it is with you.
    Amazing how animals pick “us” out. They seem to know—as my dad would often say–“who the sucker will be”. There is nothing better than a dog or cat, sitting in your lap, getting your Blood pressure back to normal.

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