Geoffrey, I’m Doing Something I’ve Never Done Before

“Worst comes to worst you’ve got Costco,” he assured me.


I try and speak to my dad every day. It’s not easy. His ability to hear over the phone changes from day-to-day.

“You know,” he’s said a few hundred times, “I don’t hear so well.”

It’s a speedbump, not a roadblock.

“Geoffrey, I’m doing something I’ve never done before,” he said yesterday. “I’m packing.”

Since the Navy, my mom and then Lena took care of this task. I understand how it feels to be spoiled. I relate.

I told him to pack for warm-to-cool. He’ll be fine. “Worst comes to worst you’ve got Costco,” he assured me.

He flies in Sunday. It’s the only direct flight from Milwaukee to Orange County. They stop in San Francisco, but he stays onboard.

My dad walks fine. The trip through security to the gate is near his limit. He will take advantage of the curb-to-plane-to-curb wheelchair service airlines must provide by law.

Part of my goal here is to help him get a little stronger. Circumstances have kept him sedentary. A little walking will go a long way. Our weather is salubrious.

I told him Helaine baked chocolate chip cookies. “I told everyone here she would,” he said with a smile in his voice.

He’s excited. I’m excited.

17 thoughts on “Geoffrey, I’m Doing Something I’ve Never Done Before”

  1. How wonderful that he is coming to CA to see you. It will be so good for both of you, and Helaine and Doppler, too. Helaine will get to show off her cookie baking skils, and Doppler will have one more person to spoil her! You are a good son, to a good dad.

  2. You are a good son Geoff? Blessings to you and your Dad, and Helaine and your daughter.

    Helaine, homemade chocolate chip cookies!!!! Wish I was there!


  3. Sorry abt the ? In my first sentence. Typing on my iPad and I need to be more diligent about proof reading before sending.

  4. Hi Geoff!
    Can’t wait for some photos of you and your dad! Bet he’s going to love SoCsl.. And cookies baked by Helaine!!
    Will keep him in my prayers for a safe and happy trip!
    Give him our love and tell him he raised an excellent son!

  5. How wonderful that your dad is going to visit you! I hope his trip is safe and stress free for all of you.
    I laughed at the “he’s said a few hundred times”…my father used to do the same thing to the point I was biting my tongue and just letting him say it for the 1,000 time!

  6. Aww so sweet to hear. I’m blessed to still have both parents, but have envisioned this scene many times. Dad is 93, Mom 85. Currently going strong! You’re a good son. Enjoy every precious moment!

  7. Aww so sweet to hear. I’m blessed to still have both parents, but have envisioned this scene many times. Dad is 93, Mom 85. Currently going strong! You’re a good son. Enjoy every precious moment!

  8. Hey Geoff, that sounds really great. When was the above pic taken? I love it. Please give him a big hug and kiss for/from us.

  9. I think it’s great that Dad is coming to see you in a warmer climate.

    I’ve noticed it several times in my large family – the elderly folks who live in places like Florida, CA, AZ,…etc seem to stay in better health due to having some outdoor time in the cold season. Up north (esp in places like the upper Midwest where your dad lives) the harsh weather and hazards of snow/ice and falling keeps many indoors.

    Back home in the NYC area so far so good this December – sunny, dry, and no snow at all.

  10. Geoff you should also set him up with some appointments with a Physical Therapist, it is amazing the things they teach the elderly on walking safety. Excericises that will help in walking, balance, gait you would be shocked at how much better he will do. He will need a script if he is on Medicare. Have a wonderful holiday with your family in “sunny” SoCa!


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