How The Vacation Ended – Briefly

We’re home now… I guess you figured that out. It was a pretty good vacation, but unfortunately I didn’t feel 100% for most of it and felt pretty awful for some of it.

Who knows why, but early on I was suffering from headaches and a queasy stomach. As the trip progressed the queasiness stayed while the headaches became a little more frequent.

Sunday, Helaine and I sat in the Sports Book at the Mirage watching the Eagles game (don’t ask). Now my stomach was really starting to churn.

We went upstairs and I got pretty sick. That’s detailed enough.

I called my doctor at home and then a doctor the hotel recommended. Within thirty minutes he was in our room. Maybe he was downstairs playing craps when the call came in. Who knows?

I was so bleary at this point, I had to ask Helaine what he looked like. All she said was “no bedside manner!”

It made no difference. He gave me the quick once over, told me there was a symphony playing in my stomach, turned me face down and gave me a ‘cocktail’ shot of Phenergan and Hydroxizine.

Thirty minutes later I was dopey. Ninety minutes later the nausea was going away.

Amazingly, we were able to get on a 10:00 AM flight from Las Vegas and come home to Connecticut without incident. I was OK to fly, but you wouldn’t have wanted me in the exit row seat demonstrating manual dexterity. Sunday night, I wouldn’t have been so sure we were going.

There are still loose ends to write about – things we saw and did that didn’t make the daily blog entries. And there are photos to look at. Before I can put them on a DVD, I will have to cull a hundred or more – I shot more than a DVDs worth.

One more thing. It’s funny how my blog works. Between no entry here and not calling my folks in Florida, my mom knew something was wrong.

2 thoughts on “How The Vacation Ended – Briefly”

  1. Glad you are back and OK. We did all know something was up when the posts stopped so suddenly. I was afraid you might have bumped into that “Heroes” guy in the casino lobby.

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