My Fighting Side

As a kid, some of my fondest moments were spent screaming politics with my Uncle Murray

I enjoy a good argument. If done right, and with the right person, it can be fun. As a kid, some of my fondest moments were spent screaming politics with my Uncle Murray.

I had a good argument last night at work with our sports director, Noah Finz. He’s just started a web feature where he debates a sports oriented topic with one of our staffers. The result is posted on the station’s website.

Since he and I had been ‘discussing’ the UCONN football team’s decision to play a home game out-of-state, instead of in their new, taxpayer financed, stadium, we argued about that.

Believe me, he is a friend, I am not ticked off at him. I am more than a little perturbed at the UCONN Athletic Department’s decision.

5 thoughts on “My Fighting Side”

  1. The funny thing is, we’re really good friends and go to dinner together (with Ann and Ted) every night.

    Noah and I were having this discussion at his desk when he asked if we could continue it on-camera. What a strange business I’m in!

  2. Geoff, the Weatherman – whom always gets the Sunrise/Sunset forecasts correct – is ALSO correct with the home football game location. Noah, the Sports reporter is wrong this time!! Why use TAX PAYER revenue to build a new stadium, then send what should be “OUR” revenue to the Kraft’s ??

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