It’s Faux Spring In Connecticut!

We did one really good thing today. We barbecued! Helaine was the chef. My job was to rehook the propane tank to the grill. I can’t tell you why but they spent the winter unhooked.

There’s been a post on the blog every day for years. Today will be no exception though not much has happened. Pajamas all day for Helaine and me. Most of my day was at the keyboard doing a small web design project I’ve undertaken. The finished product will be used, but it’s more for my training and discovery than anything else.

While the child slogs through the California rainy season, Connecticut finally popped into spring tease season. I’m only saying that because winter will surely reappear–if only briefly.

Holy crap! Every year I’m amazed by the number of branches and limbs that crash to the yard each winter.

We did one really good thing today. We barbecued! Helaine was the chef. My job was to rehook the propane tank to the grill. I can’t tell you why but they spent the winter unhooked.

Over the years we’ve amassed a few propane bottles, so I hoisted the heaviest one and tried to attach it. It wouldn’t. After about five minutes I realized it had interior threads while the grill is looking for exterior threads.

How the heck did that happen? Where did it come from? What do I do with it?

In the end little of my tumult mattered because it’s faux spring.

The sky was blue. The burgers were superb.

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