My Answer Has Been Disappointing

Lots of phone calls today. People are calling to ask how I’m doing. My answer has been disappointing.

“Not great.”

Lots of phone calls today. People are calling to ask how I’m doing. My answer has been disappointing.

“Not great.”

I’ve been living with leg pain since late July. Nearly five weeks ago it became severe enough to keep me from working. Since then I’ve seen doctors, gotten an X-ray and MRI plus two epidurals–steroid injections directly into my spine. Ouch!

The first steroid injection made a big difference. I am significantly better today than two weeks ago when I got it!

The second injection totally eliminated my pain for 24 hours. The pain has gradually come back. I’m where I was.

It’s back to the neuro specialist tomorrow. He might recommend another epidural. He might recommend back surgery. There will be a serious discussion.

I know many of you are concerned about my condition. Thank you. I am gratified.

I can deal with the pain. It’s just time to get rid of it. It is frustrating to have this problem control me!

Every time I post an entry about my condition advice follows. I read them all.

Have surgery. Don’t have surgery. Chiropractic. Acupuncture. Massage therapy.

Some of you have endorsed doctors based on success in single cases which might or might not be like mine! This blog is not the place to get my medical advice!

None of this is easy. I won’t make any moves hastily. Helaine and I understand the consequences of our decisions.

The status quo is not acceptable.

12 thoughts on “My Answer Has Been Disappointing”

  1. I’m sorry the treatment hasn’t worked for you so far. I was where you are 20 years ago and I still get empathy pains. whatever the decision tomorrow just know it will get better. good luck.

  2. You will get through this. We do miss you (especially when the weather is weird) but we all want you to get back to life without pain.

  3. Chiropractic is mainstream and evidenced-based. Don’t get cut Geoff. Why not contact the University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College for information? Google Prof. Stephen Perle, D.C. Read his research.

    Wishing you well L’shana Tova.

  4. Don’t give up. I have finally recovered from recent injurys including a sciatic attack and hit the skating rink today. Although I’m tired as hell tonight. Hope you get back to your life soon.

  5. There was a man at my house yesterday climbing all over the roof who not so long ago had treatment for serious back injury. It was not the same as yours, but quite serious. I couldn’t believe how well he was. Gave me hope for a totally unrelated ailment of my own and made me think of you.

  6. So sorry your pain continues. Hang in there …. hope you will find relief soon! And of course, you need to decide what route is best for your particular condition. If there is one thing which I have learned since my injury is that everyone is different. What helps one person may or may not help another. Keep your chin up ….. better fays are ahead!

  7. Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, I totally understand why you cannot willy-nilly try every bit of advice presented in your blog. But the one treatment you didn’t mention in your comments was – physical therapy or yoga or stretching – whatever you want to call it. I believe there is an emotional component to your pain – you keep repeating certain phrases such as “It is frustrating to have this problem control me!” You cannot always be in control of life – it’s time to let go and see what happens. Perhaps you have not yet learned what you need to from this pain. I hope it comes soon.

  8. I have an uncle, who is in his 90’s now and a retired Dr. From Hamden actually. He retired at 87, must have been doing something right. When you have influential people in your life, you remember things they have said to you over the years………first was, being a Dr. was easy, if you just listen to your patients, they will ususlly tell you what is wrong with them. The second was “backs were not made to be operated on” then went on to say, however when it is absolutely necessary, the key is to get off your ass asap and keep it moving…..(this will not be an issue for you) he actually did have back surgery once. Good luck with whatever you decide, having had pinched nerves (nothing of your caliber) I know it aint fun !!! Be well soon !

  9. Hang in there, Geoff! I’ve been out of work a couple of weeks longer than you (different malady), and I totally understand how difficult it is to be in pain or sick. It’s SO frustrating and upsetting to give up control when you’ve otherwise been healthy. Hugs to you!

  10. Keep that chin up Geoff with a lot of mind strenght,wisdom, and hope. You have a loving family and good friends who care. Radar your sweet pup will be your If you can train him to get your slippers and the newpaper. Believe it or not an animal such as a dog does feel your pain and see’s things that are adnormal and out of place. Your weather for the next few months will be Sunny with highs in the get well zones.. All my hugs and wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Rosemary S Blair

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