More Snow For Saturday

Forecasting weather is an inexact science. You probably didn’t need me to tell you that. Saturday looks a little different than it did 24 hours ago. No surprise.

I won’t be changing much in duration or precipitation type. However, it does look like more snow than originally anticipated.

Unless it’s a massive snowfall the exact amount of snow isn’t very important. All the slippery is in the first quarter inch! The plow guys will tell you water content/weight is more important than height.

The most likely onset for snow is late morning Saturday. Everyone starts with snow. On the shoreline (especially to the east) there will be some waffling between snow and rain before turning back to all snow. Inland Connecticut stays white start-to-finish.

Yesterday I wrote 1-2″. Today I’ll up that to 2-4″, less on the shoreline, an inch or two more from the casinos northward in Eastern Connecticut.

The snow will start light, but a heavier period is likely as the low pressure system driving the storm rapidly deepens toward evening. The snow should taper to flurries and snow showers by bedtime.

It’s a Nor’easter. We’ll have northeasterly winds through much of the day–nowhere as intense as our last storm.

If you’ve got Saturday travel plans, go early. You can beat the storm north and east or hit mainly rain going south.

11 thoughts on “More Snow For Saturday”

  1. Not happy at all. I had plans for tomorrow & they are now totally ruined. Looking forward to the day when I can leave snow country for good!

  2. Good to hear Geoff… would be nice for the kids ( and us kids at heart) to have some snow while school is out!!! Keep the forecasts coming!!!!

  3. hi geoff, gil is a sweet heart and always right to the pin point with the forcasts. how much snow will pawcatuck get hit with tommorrow? just wondering. patty in pawcatuck.

  4. Ugh. My flight is scheduled to land in BDL at 11:00 pm. I suspect I’ll be spending some extra quality time in DFW tomorrow evening.

  5. Thanks, Geoff! It’s great to be able to check in with you to get the forecast. Almost don’t need to watch any news at all! 🙂 Hope you’re doing well.

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