About My Dad

My sister called this morning before six. She’d just gotten a call from my mom. My dad woke up with chest pains overnight. My mom called 911. An ambulance brought him to the hospital.

This is not a good time for my dad. He’s been suffering (and suffering is definitely the right word) from sciatica. At 88 and with a history of heart disease, the only way to get it treated was to stop taking one of his heart meds.

I have no idea if that’s what brought this on, but it seems logical.

Right now I’m not sure of my dad’s condition, except he’s resting with an IV and oxygen. Tests have been taken.

This is one time his poor hearing will benefit him. Hospitals are noisy.

My sister’s on a plane right now. I’m going tomorrow.

We need a plan to make sure my parents get the care they need when it’s needed. This is uncharted waters for all of us.

42 thoughts on “About My Dad”

  1. Geoff, so sorry to hear! Sending prayers for your dad! Tell him your fans are thinking of him and insist he get better quick!!! Evi

  2. Geoff, I am so sorry to hear your dad is ill. I have lived with sciatica for many years, so I understand how frustrating it can be. I will keep your family in my prayers. Safe travels and please keep us posted on his progress.

  3. Sorry to hear. My thoughts are with you all. Prayers for a complete recovery are being sent your Dad’s way. Travel safely and be of good cheer.

  4. Sorry to hear this, Geoff. Sending healing thoughts his way and hoping for a complete recovery. Have a safe trip.

  5. Geoff, Sorry to hear about your Dad. However, I have assisted in the care of elderly family members myself and I have worked with seniors and the elderly for 27 years. Traveling is a pain but it is vitally important that you and your sister are there for every step of the way. You won’t believe how difficult it is to manuver our medical system. Your about to find out. Ask questions, lots and lots of questions. Medical Practice is just that practice and there is no definate answer everyone is different. The medical field uses all averages, I do the same thing when new residents come to me. You and your sister are going to be your father’s and mother’s eyes and ears. This is a tough situation, learn from it. I hope all goes well with your father. I think prayer is important and I’ll add him to my prayer .list. Good Luck and don’t hesitate to ask your fan base for help. Vicky C.

  6. Prayers are with you and your family, also unchartered territory for myself and 4 siblings with Dad just turning 86 and Mom (the matriarch) showing more and more signs of aging. Keep us updated and have a safe trip.

  7. Geoff, i am so sorry to hear that your father has been ill. I understand completely how it can be when your parents get older. I took care of my dad for 4 years, he had leukemia, and my mom is now in a nursing home blind, can’t walk, and alzheimers wearing diapers. It breaks my heart when I go to see her bu I go every Sunday.

    I will say a prayer for your dad and for you to have a safe trip.

  8. Geoff, Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way upon hearing this news. May God give your Dad the strength he needs to get through this present medical issue. Also, may strength be given to you and your family. Hugs to all.

  9. Sorry to hear about your dad. I know you’ve had health concerns with your mom in the past. There are many great elder care resources in Palm Beach County. Check with JFK or one of the other large medical centers.

  10. It’s uncharted territory until something like this happens. Then, you learn how to deal with the system. One piece of advice I can offer is to ask the physicians if you may record their instructions on your cell phone. That eliminates the parents telling you that the doctor did NOT say this or that. I understand there are apps that allow caregivers to share information and instructions from afar. (I have not had the opportunity to look into those as my sister walked out of 92-year-old Mom’s life 4 months ago and hasn’t been heard from since. Her care is entirely up to me now.) Best to you all.

  11. So very sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he is resting comfortably. Things like this are out of our hands & in the hands of the doctors & The Lord. All we can do is pray. Sending prayer’s your way.

  12. so very, very sorry to hear about your dad. my prayers to your dad and all the family. he needs your and your sister there. also so does your mom. keep us posted. hope you get a plan fast.

    good luck

  13. Sorry to hear it. It’s tough having elderly parents and having to watch them decline like this. Both of mine are gone now so I’ve been down this road already. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Good luck.

  14. Geoff, my prayers are with your family.
    As a paramedic, I agree with Vicky C’s comments above. Ask lots of questions and make sure whoever is in the room when the doctor’s do evaluations, tests, and prescribe meds that you ask what each one is for and why its being prescribed. If you think something might conflict with another med, ask if it does immediately.

    Medicine is very demanding for care providors and between seeing dozens of patients a shift, thick charts and little sleep, sometimes they only look over charts with a cursory eye. Plus, patients in hospitals are handed off between caregivers in between shifts.

    You mentioned a conflict between cardiac medications and sciatica. I um… don’t know why that is the case. Sciatica is a nerve inflamation while the heart is a muscle and vascular organ. Cardiac medications work to dilate blood vessels, relax muscles. Perhaps a nurse or doctor could better understand the interaction of how the drugs he’s on works, but I don’t know why they’d interfere. If they do, ask if there are alternative drugs.

    1. I’m with you on the drug part. Heart meds are NOTHING to fool around with or have a doctor blithely discontinue because they might – MIGHT? – be making sciatica worse. Sciatica is a DREADFUL pain…I know, I have had it. He may need a pain specialist.

  15. Sorry to hear about your father. I remember him pretty well, despite all of the intervening years. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  16. So sorry to hear of your dad’s health issue. I’m blessed to still have my dad (92) and mom who recently celebrated their 65th anniversary. Prayers for you and your family as you go through this difficult time.

  17. I’m so sorry to hear about your dad!
    I agree with all who said to ask alot of questions and question what doesn’t make sense to you (and take lots of notes!).

  18. Geoff,
    I am sorry to hear about your father. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Hugs and prayers…stay strong….keep notes/ recordings…..information overload happens easily in uncharted territory….important to stay informed and rested.

  20. Geoff,

    Many of your readers can easily identify dealing with the issue of aging parents and their associated medical conditions. In concert with the advice given by others, ask lots of questions and foremost, try to decipher all the medical information and jargon with a clear head. One of the strange things children of aging parents have to deal with, is the sudden role reversal, where the child becomes the parent, and the parent unfortunately becomes the child. We must all be mindful however, of the respect that all our parents deserve. The important thing though….is being there!

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