I’m Not Betty White!

I really should be writing about CES or the new Congress or snow–something current. Instead all my concentration is focused on Wednesday’s news about my contract and the outpouring of support I’ve received. It’s crazy. I’m not Betty White!

My blog had twenty times its normal traffic Thursday! I received a few hundred emails without counting the Viagra offers or fortunes left to me in African safe deposit boxes.

I was on the front page of Thursday’s New Haven Register. Tonight I dominate their website. A handful of newspapers and online new media sites have written about old media me.

Someone set up a “Keep Geoff Fox on Channel 8” page on Facebook. I don’t know who to thank? It’s an honor I never would have asked for or expected.

It would be wrong for me to post there, but I read the comments and noted the 2,600+ who’ve joined.

Seriously, these are crazy numbers to me. I am blown away.

I’ve used the word “humbled” more than once. It’s the right word. This whole experience is humbling.

Maybe it’s better I never fully understood my impact on your life.

The vast majority of the comments have been positive, but there have been shots thrown in too. Someone on my blog asked if this is what I had in mind when I voted for “Hope and Change.”

Obama? You’re blaming this on Obama? Really? Isn’t that a stretch?

A New Haven Register commenter said I once almost drove into her as she carried her baby because I was so interested in being recognized. How do you do that while driving? Perception is reality I guess.

I’ve heard from a bunch of old friends. That’s pretty cool. Sometimes people wonder if too much time has passed and stay in the shadows. No, it hasn’t.

The comments that mean the most are from people I don’t know, but with whom I’ve had brief contact.

“I wrote you in middle school and you answered,” one said.

“You mentioned my name on TV,” was part of the story from a guy who used me as part of the introduction to his in-laws to be!

Someone who saw me in a restaurant remembered, “You came to my table so we could take pictures with you.” I do that a lot. I kiss and hug too. That’s part of my make-up.

These stories are just moments in time. They become vivid memories. Who wouldn’t be honored to be in your memories?

It’s mind boggling how you’ve let me into your life. No one starts a job and expects this to happen.

102 thoughts on “I’m Not Betty White!”

  1. You’ve impacted a ton of people’s lives. We all appreciate you and are loyal to you. We wish WTNH/LIN were as loyal.

    Keep up the good spirits, Geoff. Even if things end up not working at WTNH/LIN, you’ve got a hugely bright future ahead of you. The past few days have displayed how much people love you and trust you, and that’s got to be immensely attractive to would-be employers.

    (PS The fact that you have a few haters just shows that you’re doing it right and you’ve gotten peoples’ attention. Don’t let them at all detract from this outpouring of love.)

    With much love and admiration,
    A fellow computer geek

  2. My, at least, goal is that YOU stay at WTNH and Higgins gets his ass booted all the way back to ARIZONA. One could SO tell that there was “someone new” in charge during the summer of 2009 because you could SEE the change. And it was NOT for the better! And it’s been going down hill since! I’ve had that happen in the workplace; someone from across the country comes to CT and is now “the boss”. SAME thing happened…BIG changes and NOT for the better!! Totally clueless!!

    As for the few “anti-Geoff Fox” posters….don’t give it a second thought. It’s just the “nutters” coming out of the woodwork for their 5 seconds of fame. The fact that there are so VERY FEW of said “nutters” is a true testament as to how well liked and respected you are.

    Don’t give up hope, Geoff! We are no where near “done” with this. We’re going after WTNH’s advertisers. And once Scott Blumenthal sees what the incompetent HIGGINS has done….BACK TO AZ HE’LL GOOOOO! FOX STAYS….HIGGINS GONE! : )

  3. Watching the NEWS is not a favorite hobby of mine however watching and listening to you with the weather made watching the rest ‘worth while’.

    You always have some ‘common sense’ lessons for regular folks at the same time as doing the weather. Anybody could point to a map and read a prompter but you are wonderful.

    I remember one time when there was a combo of snow and sleet falling and I told my mom that it was “sneeting” out and she laughed so hard thinking I had made up my own phrase or something and later on that night, you used the same word.

    You are a REAL person and do the best that you can to stay that way. Thank you for bringing your family into the nightly broadcast with your classic phrase “Don’t go to sleep yet”. In fact I think it should be pattened and I know I would sure like to have ‘something’ with that special phrase on it.

    Your last broadcast will be sad for me, just like the last episode of Carol Burnett decades ago. I always compared your signature phrase to be the same as Carol tugging on her ear at the end of each episode.

    As for what you do next, be sure to post it here because MANY will want to follow you if you go to another station. You are a family term like the old commercial “E.F. HUTTON”. “Well Geoff Fox said; “”.

    I will really miss you.

  4. OMG, Geoff…. I’m very sorry… and quite upset…. to hear of your impending dismissal from LIN/8. Is Doc next??? Don’t know if Harvey at WCVB has openings near Boston (he was uncermoniously bounced from WHDH a few years back). Broadcasting sure is a cruel biz…. over a quarter-century on their air and they just want to clean house. (When I retired from the Air Force, I was allowed to give a presentation encapsuling my 20-plus years in uniform. At least Uncle was decent enough to allow me my 15 minutes.) You’re the best weather presenter in this state (and…. didn’t you get your full meterorology degree /certification just a couple of years ago?? That should have proved to the LIN execs how committed you are to your craft.) I wish you well in your future endeavors… I hope I see you one of the other CT channels!! If not, I’ll be sure to visit this site.

  5. 1. Betty White was a horrible weather forecaster. In her defense, her only tool was a barometer. 2. The haters are funny. Were you a jerk to someone who delivered your newspaper? If so, Good! 3. Anyway, I told you once that you were more than a weather guy. I think you can see that you were/are in our living rooms almost for real. There’s a reason why charities and schools want your presence and skills. I’m not shocked at all by the anger and hurt over this. 4. Why won’t the infamous rumor that you are related to Dr. Mel die? 5. I hope your sense of humor is helping you. 6. My favorite thing about your style was when you occasionally started a joke, thought better, and abandoned it. 7. Thanks for helping me in 1990 by being the profile I needed for a college assignment. I got an A! 8. Cook Inlet never would have pulled this move. The broadcasts 15-25 years ago had no technology but great content… You, Nyberg, Davis were the only standard-bearers left.

  6. That sucks man. Best of luck on your next thing, and keep up the positive attitude! I don’t think I could stay as happy and upbeat as you seen to be!

  7. I am so upset about your news. I don’t even have the heart to break the news to my 94 year old mother! We are always talking about how comfortable we are with you and Dr. Mel at the weather desk. You are someone we can depend on. Even when you get it a little wrong (and who doesn’t!), we still trust you. Is there any way to change this decision? If there is, you better ask for more money!! Shame on WTNH.

  8. I am still very upset about all this, but trying to think creatively on what to do. One of the previous posters mentioned the viewers getting in contact with WTNH’s advertisers to let and maybe that would put pressure on the station to reconsider. How do we do that?? I’m in — if someone savvy on this issue can come up with a way to do so. Please keep posting the web addresses of where we write to protest. I sent one to wtnh.com, but not sure if that’s the best destination for the email.

  9. It’s not often at all that I write a corporation (Linmedia)regarding an issue that bothers me, but this time I was compelled to do so regarding Geoff. As a viewer (and later baby boomer) I am impressed by experience and trust which I got from Geoff rather than the glitz and glimmer (eye candy) as it seems the way Linmedia is going. I appreciated the explainations of the weather maps and what to look for rather than just “expect rain” tomorrow….. As a boater one needs to trust the expertise of the forecaster as well as their gut feeling (also a bit of entertainment is good as well) Wish you well in your endeavors, there seems to a lack of chemistry with the newer personalities they are bringing in so if there is no special reason to watch WTNH guess I may just as well get my info from the net 🙁

  10. I never look at stations on the t.v…only a familiar face that I’ve grown to enjoy and trust. I will continue to flip through until I see your face 🙂

  11. We at this house are hoping for a Geoff Fox / Gerry Brooks nightly combo. What a riot!
    Of course anything we can do to help let us know.

  12. Geoff: Your personality has always shinned through in all your broadcasts. One can tell that you really care about your job. And, you have made a huge impact on people’s lives. You are the Connecticut Weatherman! You will be missed…but there are definetely bigger and better things for such a talented person as yourself!!!! Channel 8 will regret their decision and you will emerge the “winner” that you are! Best of luck!

  13. Time for me to add my voice to the crowd! I grew up watching you, Geoff, and always was a huge fan. In fact, In college I sent you an email and mentioned that you rocked, and you said something about it on the air! I was so excited. I’m in my 30’s now, living down in Asheville, NC, and I believe my mom just commented on your other post that we need a good meteorolgist down here! And we do! I’m sure you’ll be loved wherever you go, and I was so upset to hear the news. Good luck, Geoff, and I’m sure you’ll find a great opportunities very, very soon.

  14. Geoff, I wish you all the best. My story is probably the same as everyone else. I feel like I grew up with you. And you were pretty much the only constant left at channel 8. Snookie doing the traffic in the morning is just another example in poor judgement for the station. I love each nite you’d tell me “Dont go to sleep yet” as I watched from the break room at work eating my dinner laughing that it was nowhere near bedtime. Hopefully the station will listen. If not theyve lost another viewer.

  15. I am so sorry to hear the news about your situation. I don’t know what is going on at News 8 with all their changes which I think are for the worse but they are about to lose a watcher. Good luck to you and be sure to let us all know where you end up.

  16. Geoff, by the time I finish typing this comment, the “Keep Geoff Fox” page will have hit 3,000 “likes” at Facebook and is adding 3-4 people per minute. Plus there are hundreds more comments on Twitter and at the Register web site.

    Obviously, there’s a reason. The viewers of Newschannel 8 (and I say that since News8 sounds awful) want you to stay.

    It’s rather evident that WTNH management and Lin Media had no idea how unpopular their stupidity would be with the public. I would love to be a fly on the wall today at one of their meetings. Their voice mailboxes are full. They are getting swamped with E-mail. Sponsors must be calling as they are getting inundated in protest.

    When Higgins told you if the non-renewal, did you ever think this kind of support would be forthcoming????

  17. Geoff,, I can’t believe they are letting you go, You actually made the weather fun to listen to without being stuffy or overblown like some do. I hope you end up locally because I really enjoy watching you do the weather. I watched the news on 8 because of you and on weekends, I watched because of Matt Scott, now what are the reasons to watch? Dr Mel and Gil (the bearer of weather doom) Simmons? Without you I’ll be switching to Channel 3 until you are back on locally. The one that really needs to be ot looking for a job is Gil,,NOT you

  18. Geoff, I’m sorry to hear the rotten news that your contract isn’t being renewed by the LIN Communication group. IMHO they are making a huge mistake. You are and have been the classiest,honest, most professional reporter at channel 8. Being a meteorologist is, at best, a difficult job, even with all the bells and whistles you guys have available, but you do an excellant job at predicting the events. When “Ole Mother Nature” decides to throw a curve ball you aren’t afraid to say you swung and missed the pitch, harrah for you for having the gumpsion to admit it.

    Good luck in your next endeavor and congratulations for handling a lousey situation in a true professional manner. Anyone that watches you knows you will land on your feet and things will be much better.

  19. I wanted to comment something similiar…the fact that I emailed you twice in my life…and you took the time to answer me back. BOTH TIMES! Who does that? I grew up watching you…beginning in 1984 when I was only 10 yrs old…you were my 1st tv “love.” I am all grown up, have a boy of my own, and we tune in because he too has grown up with you. You are are part of my family dinner-time ritual. I cried when I heard the news. Yes…cried. It’s like an ol’ family friend is moving away. I tried staging a rally. I posted the newspaper links. I posted my outrage on Twitter & Facebook. Hoping. Praying that maybe *someone* would reconsider.

    My point to all this…you will be missed. MORE THAN YOU KNOW! It pains me to imagine you not be teaching us cool weather terms, and how science works. To be waving with your finger to your family. Teasing Ann about the cold. Yikes!

    Thanks for 26 great years Geoff! Wishing you another 26 more! <3

  20. I moved down to Washington, DC a couple of years ago… just wanted to let you know Bob Ryan, a long time veteran of WRC (close to 30 years) moved to WJLA. He only does the 11 pm report now and Doug Hill does the 5-6:30 round. Maybe Brad or Bruce would like to get their evenings off… then their station can market their “Perfect Storm Team” like they do in DC… WJLA really loves marketing their exceptional experienced team. Maybe WVIT or WFSB will feel the same way!

  21. After so many years watching you as I was growing up, I was actually excited when I was visiting up in CT for the holidays and saw you were still on the air! You should come on down to North Carolina!

  22. you are definitely not Betty.
    But this social media support you’re getting does remind me a little of “Team CoCo” last year w/ the Conan O’Brien thing.

  23. Hi Geoff,
    I can’t express how disappointed I am about WTNH not renewing your contract. You are the reason I watch Channel 8, I grew up with weather from you and Dr. Mel, nobody else will do. I hope they realize what a mistake they have made and offer you a new contract after all. If not, I hope you get another local gig so my family can continue to rely on your forecasts. If not, I will still follow your blog as I have come to enjoy your non-weather musings. I appreciate you helping me with camera settings a couple of years ago – my daughter plays hockey and I was having trouble getting good shots. She was even featured on your blog “Phuzzy Photos” I think was the title 🙂 My pictures have improved thanks to your advice. Good luck whatever you do, I thank you and look forward to hopefully seeing you on 8 or another station.

  24. OOHHH Dawnie Rotten – We don’t want Higgins back in AZ – Lets boot him to Alaska! Maybe thats why the TV stations are doing so much better out here in AZ – that idiot isn’t behind the scenes.

    Seriously Geoff – we watched you since you first began on WTNH and when we moved to AZ in 03 we missed the programming and people on those stations. But if you want a job out here – you and yor wife are most welcome to stay with us. We good use a good honest forecaster out here

  25. You and Mark Davis are the reasons I watch WTNH. Even though I look at two weather sites on-line, I also always watch your report, Geoff, because a) you are smart, funny, and just plain great at what you do and b) it was never just about the weather: your report was often the first place I heard about astronomical events and other sky-related things. I suppose this decision can’t be reversed. But it’s really too bad for your followers. And too bad for WTNH.
    (Nice blog, too. I just discovered it when this happened.)

  26. I really can’t get over this. It’s totally unexpected and I feel angry and let down by a station I value. First they messed with Keith, and I called in to let them know. That situation was rectified, finally. Now Jeff? Are you guys NUTS?
    No one is irreplaceable but Jeff at WTNH comes close. This is a bitter thing.

  27. Dear Geoff, We’ve watched you for years. You and Ann Nyberg were the only reasons we continued to watch the ridiculous crime sheet that CHannel 8 has become. Your honesty and integrity always shine through, as does your sense of humor. I really have to wonder about the brains behind this decision. It’s a shame when visible and tangible INTELLGENCE is removed, only to be replaced by plastic Ken and Barbie dolls. I know life will open other doors for you. No, we’ve never met, but if our paths ever cross, I’ll be the one who will be humbled and honored.

  28. This is incredibly disappointing about what WTNH is doing to you. I’ve been watching you for all of my childhood and actually took an interest in the news because of you. I wrote an e-mail to you years ago idolizing you. It’s still true. You have such a great character and it would pain me to see you off the air.

    I just won’t watch the news anymore if you leave.

  29. I sort of know how you feel. After 11 years I was laid off as a teacher with my wife 9 months pregnant with our second child. The timing was bad, not a good time to search for a new job. You have more than double that time in at WTNH. You do a wonderful job and you will be greatly missed. Who knows maybe you can disappear like Kristen and return. Why can’t they release the good Dr. is money savings is the issue. They are making a BIG MISTAKE by letting you go. Love you Geoff.

  30. We, my husband and I, really think the station has gone off their rocker- first we had the shake-up with the anchors and now we find they are at work with the weather team. We have enjoyed listening to Geoff since we moved to the state in 1985- he sometime would miss the forecast, but one could not find a more respectful, graceful person on air- we shall miss him and perhaps get our news and weather from another outlet- will be interesting to see how many customers leave WTNH the end of February!

  31. Geoff, Better things are coming, a new window will open, have FAITH. Your going, so are we. time to look for a new station.

    Desi & Sylvia

  32. Geoff, we will not be watching WTNH any longer….unless they let you stay….it is a shame that companies get rid of the relialbe, honest, trustworthy, experienced people in exchange for “new faces” unexperienced boobs….My husband and I are very upset about your leaving…I have been watching you since you started ….I remember when you daughter was a little one….ARE YOU LISTENING WTNH….YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF WATCHERS IF YOU LET THIS GEM GO!!!
    Geof, let us know where you go, and that is where you will find us.

  33. Geoff:

    Wanted to send a real email, not just adding a comment, but your site doesn’t (that I can find) have a “Contact Us” page with an email address. I suppose I could try most ways of your name AT geofffox.com, but that’s tedious.

    Anyway, I do hope that LIN is merely attempting a trial balloon, to see if anyone salutes (that’s a Foxist mixed metaphor). I don’t recall such a situation in broadcasting, or capitalism generally, where the victim is taken out on a rail immediately.

    Given your leanings, Fox on Fox doesn’t seem likely. No offense, but I wouldn’t watch.

  34. Dear Mr. Fox,
    When I was first married in 1981, we lived in Kenmore NY and watched you faithfully on the Buffalo station. Years later, my husband’s job changed and we were transferred to Connecticut. Imagine my surprise and happiness when I tuned into Ch 8 and saw you there delivering the weather yet again in my home. It felt like a familiar face welcoming us to CT. Thank you for your many years of wit and caring while delivering the weather to your viewers. Best of luck and who knows; perhaps down the road, we will once again tune into the weather someplace and find your great smile.

  35. I have sent you a personal e-mail via facebook, sent the station an e-mail and joined the (has to be in the thousands by now) who commented on the save Geoff Fox facebook page. We don’t want you to leave, simple as that.You bring personality, a wealth of knowledge and just damn good reporting to us in the state with regards to the weather. Whether it’s a simple weather cast or an intense one regarding an impending hurricane or blizzard, you are the best their is. OWN IT GEOFF. I bet you never ever imagined as you stood in the studio “doing your job” how much you have impacted all of our lives. By the way I loved your question: “why does everyone think they have to buy all of the bread and milk” when there is a major storm! Best of luck to you and I sincerely hope the station re-considers. However, like one poster said, it’s corporate america trying to weed out established people and hire less experience for less money and no benefits. SHAME ON THEM! They have lost out on a huge viewing audience.

  36. I just never expected this in my wildest dreams. Winter in Connecticut just got much colder, much grayer, much more dreary. I have e-mailed the powers-that-be and I’m about to e-mail the sponsors (got the addresses off the Facebook page). Geoff, you are family. Where you go, we will go. We really do love you, and our hearts are broken!!!

  37. Hi Geoff,
    I have read all the above comments and there is really nothing I can add. Suffice it to say – you are the best!
    Who can I email/write to/call to complain about such a disservice to us loyal Chanel 8 viewers?

  38. Geoff, don’t they know the only reason to watch 8 is you and the weather forecasts?

    Hope you have good luck finding what you want. If its any comfort I’ve been laid off 39 times in my career and 36 of those companies don’t exist today.

    Here’s Phil Accardi with the news!
    73 AJ1N

  39. Geoff – This makes me so sad. I have been watching you since I was a kid, cheering the days you said we’d get snow and hoping school will be cancelled. Now, my own kids watch you and cheer when you say school might be cancelled.

    We have worked together on the JDRF walk. You’ve helped us to much work there, from the kick off lunches, to the walk itself (arriving via Helicopter!) and to the post walk dinners – you’ve always made time for us. I hope you will continue to do so. Thank you.

    A few years ago, I had my 5 month old with me at the walk, and you took him from my arms and danced with him in the street at Anthem. I wish I had my camera with me at that moment. It makes me smile.

    I really hope the decision makers at WTNH rethink this. Best to you always.


  40. It seems WTNH does not care about it’s employees and has a history of unexpectedly letting good people go as they get older. I believe it is called age discrimination. It was the same situation with Bob Picozzi: no signs, no warning, just cut them. Who is next? Ann Nyberg?

    Most companies reward their employees for longevity and years of service. Perhaps WTNH should undergo a paradigm shift from a self-serving company to serving the community as a whole.

    So, perhaps you are better off? I wish you the best and be watching another news station come Feb. 28th.

  41. You’re better than Betty White! I moved to Virginia 7 years ago but was a lifelong resident of CT before that. To me weather always meant Geoff Fox since I could trust your forecast as being the closest to what would actually happen and also enjoyed your personality. On our many trips north to visit family, I watch your forecast on the internet before leaving the house to know what to expect and what to put in the suitcase. My sister e-mailed me the news about your contract not being renewed since she knows I have to watch your weather spots on our visits. Sometimes, I might be in a room away from the TV but can still recognize your voice. It was the familiar to me and made me feel like I was home. How about coming down to VA? The weather is a bear to predict down here but it would be great to see you on TV every day.

  42. To Jeff and all the employees of channel 8.

    WTNH have been treating their employee’s like this for years ever since Nancy Aborne. Wake up all of you, you all deserve better. Apply at fox’s New they have been the better News Channel for years.

  43. Geoff –

    Really sorry to see you go. I’ve been watching you on WTNH since I was 10 years old, and even spoke with you on the phone during your first year on the air. (Wrote to you on Reddit about this.)

    As you are likely beginning to realize, you will definitely be missed. Wherever you land will be better off to have you on board. Good luck and thanks for all of the help over the years.

  44. I have been watching you since I was 7 years old…now 33 with a 3 year old who watches the weather with me, my daughter says “Geoff Fox!” when you appear on the t.v. You are very much appreciated for all that you do for the public who watches your forcast and your service to the community. Thank You.

  45. Geoff, we have welcomed you in the most personal areas of our homes. Geoff you have given us the weather report in the most intimate times of our lives. During labor pains, parties, arguments, dinner, weekend love ins, changing diapers, washing clothes and preparing for lunch or dinner for the following day in our hair curlers and bathrobes. We have established a wonderful relationship with our meteorologist and you did not know it!

    As I stated in an earlier post, when I hear your voice I would stop what I am doing and watch what you have to say about the upcoming weather. Please keep us posted on your next greatest adventure; I am VERY excited for you and your love ones. When one door closes, another door opens to a dream you will soon make a reality. How exciting is that!

    Keep us posted,

    From a true fan of twenty something years

  46. Geoff,

    I can’t believe the stupidity of management these days. You are so much more than a Weatherman to your viewers and fans. We can get our news anywhere, but the only place to hear your weather comments and experience your personality was WTNH. Since this will no longer be true after February, it’s Goodbye Channel 8 News – HELLO TO YOUR NEW CHANNEL!!!

    Best Always
    A Fan of 25 Years

  47. Geoff,

    I can’t believe the stupity of management these days. You are so much more than a Weatherman to your viewers and fans. We can get our news anywhere, but the only place to hear your weather comments and experience your personality was WTNH. Since this will no longer be true after February, it’s Goodby Channel 8 News – HELLO TO YOUR NEW CHANNEL!!!

    Best Always,
    A Fan For 25 Years


  49. We live in the northern part of the state. Years ago my wife asked me why we did not watch a Hartford TV station for news and weather. I said because of Geoff. Well, if WTNH does not change their mind, I will have to change to Hartford. That is really too bad because I look forward every day to your humor and explanations about the weather. I must admit, I just can’t figure out why the WTNH management would make such a brainless decision. Please try to get a job somewhere that my Dish satellite can pickup! We wish you and your family the very best.

  50. It’s like the breakup of the Beatles!
    Channel 8 WTNH with out Jeff Fox is like having Turkey without the stuffing. Good luck Jeff WTNH will lose viewers for sure because im goining to be one of those lost viewers!

  51. I was having breakfast at Duchess this morning and people all over the room were talking about you and this situation. EVERYONE had the same opinion – we trust you and watch you and will not watch wtnh once you are no longer there.

  52. Really sorry this has happened to you.. I’m sure this is all bottom line stuff..You will be replaced by some toothy blonde babe who will work cheap.I guess Ann will be next to go. For sure my wife and I will be gone from WTNH..

  53. Geoff, take comfort in knowing that most likely the other 2 major stations in CT are wringing their hands with glee knowing that if they add you to their lineup, it almost guarantees a large increase in viewers. I hope you stay in CT so I can watch you when the other station scoops you up! WTNH has certainly gone downhill as of late. Maybe they need to be told what their demographic is for watching the news in the evening. I, for one, will not be watching WTNH after you leave.

  54. Your last day at WTNH will be my last also unless they change their mind.
    I’ll follow you just to hear “Don’t go to bed yet”
    Blessings and I know better things are in store for you. }i{

  55. GEOFF,

  56. Geoff, I was just thinking the other day before I found out about any of this hullabaloo, about a time that I met you on the New Haven Green. I was about 14 or so (about 25 years ago!) and I went up to you and asked you for your autograph for my friend who had a major crush on you. I said she is going to die when I give this to her and you wrote “Don’t Die, Geoff Fox” She still has it to this day! You have touched many lives and am sure you will still continue to do so!

  57. There are days where I’m so stressed I don’t want to listen to the news and just turn it on when you are coming up with the weather. Your humor and wit always put a smile on my face and to think that soon we won’t be able to see you taking those few steps closer to the camera so it’s like you’re getting closer to tell us inside information or your favorite line, “Don’t go to sleep yet!” is depressing. I hate the fact they are doing the same thing to you that they did to Diane Smith. You have always been more than someone reading off the cue cards. You’ve made us feel like we’re more important to you than the paycheck. I’m praying that someone else in the state will jump at the chance to have you on their news program, if not I’m going to get my weather from the National Weather Service website from now on. xoxoxo

  58. Geoff, you are the only Meteorologist who would even think to say “Why does everyone go out and buy up all the milk and bread when it snows?” I laughed so hard when you said that because I’ve been saying the very same thing for years. I used to live in Mamaroneck NY and I remember one snowstorm. It was a really big one back in the days when we actually did get lots of snow. I went into the grocery store to pick up a few things and to my amazement there actually were people filling their carts with 6 gallons of milk and numerous loaves of bread as well as other supplies. I remember thinking might it be possible that none of the snowplows would be working? I mean, it isn’t as if it would snow us into our houses, lol. And also wondering what these people are going to do with all that milk and bread. Make a lot of bread and rice puddings I suppose.

    Anyway, I just need to say that you always add some humor to your reports and that’s a really major reason why I so much enjoy your segment each and every time you report. Those at WTNH who have seen fit to discontinue your service are making a collosal error in judgment. The changes they have made recently, including cutting down the noon segment and replacing the last half hour with their “In Style” show are a disaster. Perhaps through all these postings the management will see how dissatisfied people are feeling about all their changes. But this latest, not renewing your contract, that is their ABSOLUTE WORST decision of all. I’m supposing it has everything to do about money. So sad and the viewers are the ones who come out the losers because I know you most definitely land on your feet.

    Unless they overturn this decision, I will watch WTNH until your last broadcast. I will hear you say that one last time “Don’t go to bed yet………” and then I will watch channel 3.

    Best of health to your and your family, Geoff.

  59. Geoff, You’re the best!
    I tune in specifically for YOU offering the forecast and explanation of the weather.

    I started paying attention to you many years ago because their kids loved you.

    You are a goof-ball. An eminently wonderful goof-ball who offers a very experienced, educated meteorologist’s knowledge and combines that goof-ball persona to result in the most enjoyable and informative weather forecast I’ve ever seen.

    If you do leave TNH, I hope you are still available to us in this broadcast area. I, for one, will follow you.

    If not, I wish you nothing but the best!

    Mark D.

  60. Geoff,

    I hope the idiots running channel 8 realize what they are doing. The ratings will plummet as a result of this. I never email companys to complain, but the decision to let you go put me over the edge. I wrote two emails in support of you…I truly hope they reconsider…if not Best of Luck in your future Geoff…

    From, A future former viewer of news 8

  61. You’ve been in my life since I was 2, watching the weather station with my mom. I went off to college and you were there, I went off to grad school you were still there, I went out into the real world (career ville) and you were there, I got married and became a mother and you were still there. The thought of not seeing you on WTNH is mind boggling. I pray that all works out in your favor Geoff. My family and I love you dearly. God Bless you!!!

  62. Geoff,

    This morning I was listening to the radio and heard the news about Channel 8 not renewing your contract. I’m home sick today…and I have to say this news made me feel a whole lot worse! I’m not sure what Management was thinking when they made their decision, but they’re obviously not concerned with how the viewers feel. The outpouring of support for you should give them a clue.

    I’m another viewer from the northeast corner of the state, who probably should watch a station closer to where I live, but who has always trusted your perspective over any other. You have a great team at Channel 8, and yours is the voice I always came back to when considering the possible outcome of an approaching storm. Your good humor and open personality let us know how much you care about the people of our state, and how much you want us to have the most accurate forecast possible.

    If the ‘Powers That Be’ at Channel 8 do not reconsider their decision, I wish you well wherever you go. Hopefully a door has been opened that will lead to much happiness and growth, both in your life and your career!

    I tried sending an email to Channel 8 this morning, but there seemed to be a problem with the website. Hmmmm…I wonder if they’re innundated with email today. Somehow I suspect they are! I hope they ‘get the message’…


  63. My family has been watching you since you joined the channel 8 team. I must admit you are the main reason we continued to watch channel 8.

    Your sense of humor make the weather fun, as well as informative.

    Channel 8 management has made a huge mistake. As we know, life isn’t always fair.

    Anyway, we wish you the best. We will miss you.


    Paula and Jack C.

  64. What are they thinking overthere?? IS anyone thinking?
    Only a few of you add any ingenuity to a telecast
    and you are one of them (and Matt another)…Ratings will sink;
    maybe that’s what they want? They will learn that $ isn’t everything?Or, maybe they will when ratings plummet. Hang in there and THANK YOU for all the wonderful years of dedication & hard work…

  65. You know what comes to mind, when you express how humbled you are that we let you into our lives, is that I think one of the reasons we feel this bond with you, is that YOU are always so much yourself. I never feel you’re putting on a facade; you let us be a part of your life…the witty, even sometimes corny jokes, bringing Ivy in for us to see, and just simply being you!

  66. You and Dr. Mel are the reason to watch 8 and I always watch 10pm broadcast…love to see you and Ann Nyberg go at it. Truly a mistake by management. Thanks for all the years…Apparently glitz is important to the station, but I will take your suits over tight fitting bimbo clothes any day….and I love the jean days for a good cause.

  67. You will be missed. I want you to know I think you are one class act. Best of luck to you wherever you go. Hopefully someplace warm but the sun will always shine on you.

  68. With you gone I will have to look for a new TV station. I enjoyed how you presented the weather. You never got crazy. Sometimes silly but not crazy. I never felt that you talked down to us as viewers. You will be missed.

  69. Geoff,I was shocked when I heard. I hope that Channel 8 comes to their senses and decides to renew your contract. The changes the station has made over the past few years may have seemed to your bosses like industry driven improvements, but to the viewers these changes have not been improvements at all. I see the ending of your contract as just another in a long line of senseless shakeups that is sending THIS viewer right on over to Channel 30.

    My momma always said to me that “Things happen for a reason.” Maybe this is your big chance to get out while you can and do something even better and touch more lives. I just hope that whatever happens, you land in a good spot. Good luck!
    p.s. if you really really want to save your contract, perhaps wearing a tight skirt and some hair extensions wouldn’t hurt ha ha ha sorry couldn’t resist….

  70. You’re departure from Channel 8 will be a sad day for CT, for New Haven and for our home. You’re presence in our lives was something we looked forward to and we were always disappointed when someone else was in your place. No disrespect meant to your colleagues. They are just not you.

    I often wondered why you were our favorite meteorologist, aside from your obvious skills, confidence and comfortability on air. I guess it comes down to your personality. Sure like all of us you can be silly, goofy, entertaining but I think what it really is about is your genuineness. In a medium that can sometimes cause people to appear fake or rehearsed you always shined as someone doing what they loved, doing your best, and being no one but yourself while doing it.

    Our family thanks you for being a part of our lives for so long and wish you nothing but the best in the future and we hope you never stop being your true, genuine self.

  71. Below is a copy of the letter I sent to LIN media about Geoff Fox:

    To whom it may concern,
    I am writing to express my extreme dissapointment, that your company has decided not to renew WTNH Channel 8 News Weatherman Geoff Fox’s contract! I am an Assistant Professor at Quinnipiac University’s Graduate Physician Assistant Program in CT, and I grew up watching Geoff on Channel 8 news, and still do daily at 5p, 6p, and then 11p every single night!!! He is a very dynamic and likable on air personality and really connects with his audience! He not only gives us the weather predictions, but he explains it in laymans terms so that we can actually understand the weather too! Im not sure what your reasons are for not resigning his contract, but I, and I am sure alot of other people, would like to request that you reconsider this decision, and renew Geoff’s contract and keep him as one of the faces of News Channel 8. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
    Thomas M. Kodz, MHS, PA-C

  72. All I can say is Channel 8 management, ” What the heck were you thinking about “? Geoff Fox IS Channel 8 news and it is his down to earth craziness that makes watching his newscast all worthwhile. WHAT A BLUNDER. Hope the person that made this decision did not buy a home here as he/she will be history.

  73. Wow, there’s going to be no living with you now after all this fan mail!It’s well-deserved. You’ve been a constant for us for such a long time; I feel like I know you (and Helaine and Stephanie.)

    I loved when you used to bring Ivy into the studio. What a beautiful dog she was!

    I absolutely love your goofy sense of humor (I can say that because I have the same kind!)

    I e-mailed you a couple times and you replied both times. What a guy! One time it was completely non-weather related…I still remember…Ken Jennings was on Jeopardy and my DVR malfunctioned and the show didn’t record. I knew you, being who you are, would understand about techy malfunctions and you actually answered me about if he had won that night. (He had.)

    Thanks to you and your blog, when my techy son asked me yesterday, “Do you know what’s happening in Las Vegas?” I was able to answer, “Yes.” This kind of makes me a cool mom to my teenager, right??

    So when other folks have been commenting on eye candy, they didn’t mean you? Had me fooled….

    Losing you IS akin to losing Smith and Barber on PLR. I still haven’t gotten over it!

    Thanks for the great run, Geoff. The country may have Betty White but we will always have a part of you, no matter where you may go!

  74. Geoff- My husband and I are so upset with the news of you being let go. We are long time fans from Milford. You are always professional. thorough, informational, trusted and even entertaining. I know you also participate in many community related events. We are so sorry to see you go and have written to WTNH about this. I’m sure another more astute station will scoop you up soon. We just hope it’s within our viewing area! Best of luck to you Geoff!

  75. Geoff!!!! How can this be true? I think the first time that I met you was when you drove all the way to Newington from New Haven between Weather forecasts, to introduce a charity basketball tournament! You were always the real deal that cared about every single person that watched you or had the honor to meet you.
    Everywhere I go people keep stopping me and asking if it’s really true? “Channel 8 can’t lose Geoff Fox!!!” “They just have to change their minds!” “He’s an institution!”
    How can this be?? You have always supplied all of Connecticut’s viewers with great knowledge, energy and style with a smile! You have personally picked me up and carried me through some of the toughest days of my life. Every time I walked into the studio, you invited me over to your Weather station and spent time showing me the latest gadgets, listening to old radio airchecks and jingles, filling me in on your family, as well as listening and caring about every word that I had to say about what was going on in my life. Cody and Sunny always loved when you’d share their beautiful furry faces on camera with yours. Sadly,Cody went home to be with Kelly this past Sunday morning. I know you know how I feel. He loved his Uncle Geoff. He was with us for almost 16 years!

    I say you pull the old radio stunt and lock yourself in the Weather Studio until they renew your contract!!!
    Us Radio Guys gotta stick together!
    Much greater things are coming your way!
    I Love Ya MAN!

  76. I just sent a complaint over to LIN. There are 3 facebook pages posted so far that say, bring Geoff Fox back. So we are all rallying around you. I have permanently blocked, thru the parent control feature, WTNH and My TV 9 until you come back.

    I hope you will be on-air in the Hartford area soon. What a lame decision.

  77. Geoff, Hard to believe we may not hear you on the local airways. Please try to enjoy your vacation. All the best


  78. I grew up with you in my home as a kid. It was the only channel for news and weather in my parents house growing up. I like your personality, straight talk and humor when you deliver the weather. This news really saddens me and I can’t imagine weather without Geoff Fox. I wish you the best of luck whatever you and wherever you are. Hope you stay in CT.

  79. As much as it’s a terrible thing for anyone to lose their job, nobody is exempt from it. I’m sure you will be fine. Seems you had a great run for 26 years – and for that you should be happy. As far as weatherman go, in general, you (they) are usually more wrong than you (they) are right.

  80. Will miss your good cheer and accurate forecasts. Am so disappointed in
    WTNH for not renewing your contract – and have let them know how I feel.
    I wish you good luck and hope to find you again on a local channel doing
    what you do so well – predicting Connecticut’s weather. What was WTNH
    management thinking?????

  81. Say it isn’t so! My husband and I trust and respect your weather reports. We also enjoy them! we are determined to not watch WTNH
    news or buy any advertised products. Much luck to you–I’m confident your future will be sunny!

  82. Geoff,

    You once fixed my tie just before a production of “Grease” at the Schubert Theater. I was no more than 8 or 9 at the time. It is a memory I still keep many, many years later.

    Take good care,


  83. I am saddened by the news that you are leaving your post. YOU are enthusiastic, knowledgeable and definitely a positive part of your team. I am bewildered that they would pass up keeping you on the air. Hope the “powers” change their minds and use their influence to keep you on.


  84. Geoff, You WILL be missed!! You have a great personality, and have it all over most of the rest we are subjected to here in CT for weather reporting. I like your style, and thank you for your years of service to us folks here in CT. Maybe you should go to NECN. That’s where lots of the good ones end up. I don’t have cable at home, but I do at work, so it would be great to see you there!!

  85. It is a great loss to channel 8 but most of all your viewers. I’ve have watched you since you first started. I don’t know how channel 8 will ever be the same. You are gonna be missed deeply and we hope somewhere down the line you will be reporting the weather again. As for us we won’t be watching channel 8 anymore. We wish you well and hope the future is brighter. You will be missed terribly.

  86. The meteorologists of Channel 3 and Channel 30 ought to be VERY worried with you on the market right now!

    We can’t wait to see what wonderful future you have! Whether it be with Channel 8…or somewhere else!

    We think you ROCK!!!

  87. And actually regarding your comment, “Obama? You’re blaming this on Obama? Really? Isn’t that a stretch?”

    Well, not really – I think Obama and some of his political protege’s have stated that “someone needs to step down, so someone else can step up”. It may be that someone less fortunate than you might need a chance to “rise up”. That seems to be, based on Obama’s own writings, his world view – so maybe WTNH is doing the right thing by you, and this is something you should feel great about. Isn’t Liberalism wonderful?

  88. Geoff: all the best to you. You ARE WTNH weather! No matter what the weather I really enjoyed your presentation and you always made me beel better no matter what the weather. What brain surgeon made this decision? Tell your bosses I will no longer watch channel 8 news or weather again. Good Grief!!!! Channel 8, you deserve what you get. Hopefully they lose viewing audience, that would be what they deserve. You did not deserve this. Loyal Fan.

  89. Dear Geoff
    Can’t believe this bad news. You are such a bright spot for my wife Debby and I. And only now I learn that you’re a liberal! So we like you even more than we knew and the loss is greater. I hope there’s a change in attitude down there but I guess they’ve already poisoned the well. Very foolish management move. I don’t know what’s motivating this move but as far as Debby and I are concerned NBC looks a lot better than a company that so I’ll treats a friend like you Geoff. I know you will do well but keep that blog going so we know you are alright. Thanks for all the smiles and laughs and great weather reporting.
    Take extra care
    Rick &Debby Myers

  90. Geoff: While I never had the pleasure of meeting you in person, you have been a member of my family for 20 years. If I don’t get the weather from Geoff Fox IT’S NOT RIGHT! I have called and left messages for “Management” at WTNH and sent them emails. You are the only one I trust with my weather, because you always tell the truth. You are my weather Rabbi! If you know of anything else I can do to persuade those foolish geniuses to offer you another contract, it would be my pleasure to help. I will always be your loyal and supportive fan.

  91. I am very sorry to hear of your leaving Channel 8 News. I have appreciated your enthusiasm, willingness to educate, sense of humor, and accurate predictions of the weather. Thank you for including announcements of the New Haven area Astronomy meetings in Milford at Silver Sands-I went and enjoyed their events. I would not have known about this group if not for you. I will miss watching you. You always brought a smile.

  92. Keep Geoff Fox on Channel 8
    I too think its up to us to decide WEATHER or not we watch WTNH after learning what they want to do. We have the power, Geoff. We are behind you because your the best we got! So dont be suprised when you go on vacation that we will FORCAST the ratings for channel 8. And personally, Looks like a big cold front and a huge LOW for WTNH-8…
    We will Not watch channel 8 news while your on vacation!!
    The week of January 10th.

  93. Geoff,
    There is something about the way that you present the weather… It’s like listening to an old friend talk about what’s going to happen. You don’t present it in a way that is overbearing or complex. You keep things straight to the point, but personal. We’re definitely going to miss you!!

  94. Geoff, many of us have been watching you since you joined WTNH. (at 52, I’ve moved eleven times since then!) Good newscasters and weather-folk become part of our lives because we depend so much on the information you bring us. From Murrow on down, we’ve waited with baited breath to hear what news of the world… Our weather forecasters tell us how to get through our own daily lives. And once in a while, we get lucky, with a media personality that lets us relate to the basics of humanity. We may not remember the forecast that night, but those of us who were watching probably remember the happiness & excitement in you the night before your daughter was born. Some people get up in front of a green screen and point while reading a teleprompter… you tell us what to expect in our own little worlds. You’re “real” with us about a very real aspect of our lives. News is important, but it doesn’t always touch *everyone*; the weather does.
    I’d like to take a moment now to say thanks for a couple of times you came to visit CTV in New Haven back in the 90’s, to discuss ham radio. Even in this day of computers, there are still a core few of us diehard believers who realize that when (if) all else were to fail, we could still get help to the ones who may need it.
    And yes, seeing our favorite forecaster agreeing with us, did inspire a few people.
    I truly hope this whole mess resolves favorably. I’m a great believer in karma and that nothing takes place without some form of reason. So whatever the reasons, whatever the outcome, of course we want you to stay… I’m sure I could safely say that you would have the best thoughts from all of us.
    (my old call sign was N1SUF…working on upgrade this year!)

  95. As with most things these days, the station had a GREAT line up and decided to change it. Why did they try to fix something that wasn’t broken and was working fine? Things just haven’t been the same since then. This last moronic decision will surely put Channel 8 at the bottom of the ratings for your time slot. I hope the powers that be realize they may never be able to pull themselves out of the hole they are digging.

    I want to thank you Geoff, for the many times you shared your knowledge with the Cub and Boy Scouts of Branford. My sons are now in their 30s and they still remember going to the station as part of their Weather Merit Badge and meeting with you. Wherever you may go from here, please know that you have had an impact on more lives than you may realize.

  96. Dear Geoff,

    I am shocked! What is WTNH thinking? You have been a valuable part of the WTNH team and the lives of your audience for so long that I can’t imagine watching WTNH after you are gone. This is the dumbest thing the station has ever done!

    Great media personalities become part of the family. You are one of those people. And you made the rest of the team look good as well. You are a trusted member of this viewing community. WTNH is not in tune with their viewers and we all know it’s the audience that counts.

    I am certain that your audience will follow you to another station and I hope that someone else offers you a better deal anyway.

    Thanks for being a friend. Thanks for making relationships and for making us laugh.
    Thanks for keeping us safe.
    Thanks for being my daughter’s first crush!

    You are the best!

  97. I sincerely am glad you are not Betty White!

    Egads, when I was with Morris Animal Foundation, I never saw her forecast the weather once!

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