A Geeky Look At NCAA Bracket Pools

I’m way down in his NCAA bracket pool and I haven’t paid yet. I’m good for it Swami, honest! The check’s (nearly) in the mail.

Swami’s gonna be coming after me. I’m way down in his NCAA bracket pool and I haven’t paid yet. I’m good for it Swami, honest! The check’s (nearly) in the mail.

NCAA brackets are so much fun because they look so easy. For the final 64 (I didn’t pick the play-in games) you make 63 choices. It’s pretty simple in the first and second rounds where the rules mainly match strength against weakness. Beyond that the difficulty rises quickly especially since an early round upset could eliminate a team you’ve chosen to win more games!

Like I said brackets look easy. ESPN has proof they’re not.

Thanks to a Final Four with no No. 1 or 2 seeds, plus an 8-seed in Butler and an 11-seed in VCU, just two out of 5.9 million-plus brackets in Tournament Challenge correctly predicted the entire Final Four.

A dweeb writing on the community forums at discovery.com noted there are 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 possible ways to fill out your bracket! That’s a lot of room to make mistakes.

Even the two of nearly six million ESPN participants who have the four remaining schools picked a few incorrectly along the way. Not bad after starting with 9 quintillion possible choices!

One thought on “A Geeky Look At NCAA Bracket Pools”

  1. Rooting for Butler, but really impressed with VCU. I think VCU-Kentucky on Monday night. Calipari will try to screw it up at the end, but Kentucky will win. A few years from now, the championship will be vacated.

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