The Groin

The four of us discussed exactly where the groin is! Michael, as I once had, thought it was right in the middle. No wonder people cringed when they heard the radiologist was going to enter via my groin.

Cousin Michael and Councilman-elect Fox came over one night last week. It was right before my port catheter redo. The four of us discussed exactly where the groin is!

Michael, as I once had, thought it was right in the middle. No wonder people cringed when they heard the radiologist was going to enter via my groin.

The actual pen tip size incision is on the very soft skin in the crease where my right leg meets my torso. The procedure produced zero pain. Of course I was knocked out with drugs called amnesiacs. Recovery has been pain free too.

The wound is covered by a piece of Tegaderm. Considering its location I’m willing to wait it out, hoping a little soap and water every day will loosen the adhesive. I don’t want to rip it off–not there.

A few nights ago while looking down I noticed there’s a label on the Tegaderm. Someone wrote the date on a tiny label and placed it at the edge. Did they take a photo of my groin? That’s the only conclusion I can make.

Thank God Cousin Michael was wrong.

8 thoughts on “The Groin”

  1. No pictures involved….have used Tegaderm in my nursing career…as with any dressing the protocol is to initial and date it so there is no doubt when and by whom the dressing was applied and or changed…strict guidelines in most facilities for this to prevent infection. Consider yourself in good hands…

  2. Did they go in through the femoral artery? If so, you probably also have a femoral plug there that will dissolve in the next 90 days. I went through this last year when I had a heart attack. They did an angiogram and went in through the femoral artery in the groin area. I had to carry a card in my wallet for 90 days stating that there was a femoral plug there in case something happened. I also remember that patch on my leg with the label. Glad you are doing so well! 🙂

  3. No, they don’t necessarily take a photo, but nurses do note the date on a dressing so it can be changed on schedule…ditto IVs.

    Tegaderm is amazing stuff–it breathes and keeps germs out as well. Not a cheap dressing, either…

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