In The Swing At Work

I tried to prepare, but I didn’t want to be too prepared… too calculating. I didn’t want to be cute-by-design!

It’s a dark and damp night in Hartford. I am exhausted! It’s not because I worked so hard, but because the anxiety level was so high. Now I can relax a little. The next newscasts should be easier.

The 4:00 O’clock news is a blur. I tried to prepare, but I didn’t want to be too prepared… too calculating. I didn’t want to be cute-by-design!

I looked back at a piece of one aircheck and… it looked like me! Mission accomplished. My parents watched online. They said I looked good, but they’re my parents. Helaine, who can be depended on to tell me when I screw up seemed happy too.

Dan is preparing the maps for the 10:00 O’clock news now. I do plan on saying “Don’t go to sleep yet” at ten and eleven.

Tomorrow starts a more normal schedule with some science reporting at 4:00 and weather at 11:00 PM.

So far so good.

63 thoughts on “In The Swing At Work”

  1. It was great to see you on the TV again. I usually listen while I’m making dinner and come to the TV when the weather comes on. It was so nice to hear your voice calling me. Great job.

  2. Geoff,

    To be completely honest you didn’t seem completely at ease, but I was so happy to see you back on the air I didn’t much care! Congrats on the new job and tell Fox they have two new viewers in Branford.


  3. It was GREAT to see you on air again at 4 PM. You didnt look anxious at all. Looking foward to seeing your 10 and 11 PM reports, tonight AND each night. Your new crew can get used to Helaine’s cookies so watch out 🙂 Again, really nice to have you back on air and with a new crew, Geoff.

  4. You did a great job – even when you’re a pro, a new place and new challenges can be stressful. But it was great to see you, and lots more people will see you tonight. I suspect you’ll be able to hear the statewide cheers all the way to Hartford!

  5. Yes, you looked (and sounded) like you! Maybe it was hard to get in the groove because Rachel kept interrupting you. It’s a strange format that will take awhile to get used to. Geoff, you’re back in the saddle!!

    1. Cherie: You’re spot-on with that observation. Rachel might be a woman of many talents (DJ, Traffic reporter, pichwoman, and now, news hostess?), but she seems to be in the way… reminds me of the opening of that ugly TMZ (Tabloidism on TV?) show.

  6. I’m new to Fox CT.. Do they do unscheduled weather reports when our weather gets scary? Like severe thunderstorms.
    I have my iPhone app for Fox CT now… but it was always nice to have you walk us through the rough weather with maps and what to expect next.
    By the way, you did great today Geoff… : ) Try to relax, you always make it look so easy!

  7. Seeing you on Fox was like coming home again. Great job. Not a fan of “just the facts” type of weather reporting – really missed your style!

  8. Watched at 4 and other than seemingly a little uncertain of which side of the map you should stand on, both you and newscast looked great. Congrats. It is so nice to have you back on the air.

  9. Nice job Geoff. My whole family switched to Fox on Fox. I told those idiots at WTNH this would happen. Their Loss. The new weather men on WTNH suck. Actually all of them suck now. You are surly in a much better place now. I did not get to see you at 4, but at 10 you looked really happy. Great to see you back. Best of luck. Ken

  10. Geoff,

    What a difference the new graphics are from your previous employer. It’s night and day. You must be so thrilled to work for a winning station as opposed to your old employer, which, in my opinion, is severely hurting. Ch. 3, Ch. 30 and FOX have new production facilities, and Channel 8 is still muddling along on Elm Street with satellites that go down and a new weatherman who, in all honesty, just gives me the creeps. I shouldn’t judge him by his looks, but he looks like a used car salesman, dresses like one, and has all the sincerity of Richard Nixon. Mel needs to call it a day and retire. Gil needs to stop that stupid waving that is so amateurish!!

    Getting back to today … you looked great, and loved your delivery as usual. Just so comforting to have you back on the air. To channel 8: Karma’s a b^$&h!!!! Don’t be nervous …just be you!!!! I have your blog on my desktop and look forwards to checking in when I can. All the best, man.

  11. “Don’t go to sleep yet…it’s Fox on Fox” Wooo WHooo! Looking and sounding fabulous! So happy to have you back, this is now the only news station we will be watching.

  12. Great Job Geoff!

    Man it was like coming home.

    I do understand the “How I present it differently” statement. That’s just how Fox-CT does it, I’ve noticed when listening to Rachel. They know weather sells and the longer they have you hold out the full forecast, the longer the audience will stay. Its just a style tweak, but still like home.

    It so great to have you on TV again, its that optimistic sound in your voice and ability to put things into perspective. Its great reporting.

    Congratulations on the Gig, looking forward to your science report.


  13. When you get a minute: what’s the difference, how long did you have to practice, between the loading of the forecast data and the green screen widgets? Same machines, just newer versions? Or totally different gear?

  14. Great job Geoff. We are so pleased to have you back. Finally, a weather report we can trust. We are now officially FoxCt watchers. The graphics are sure an upgrade! Thank you for your service to Connecticut.

  15. Great job today Geoff! I watched the 4:00 and the 11:00 and you were great on both. Congrats on a great first day. Looking forward to watching you tomorrow…..and every day after that!

  16. Geoff – you got where you are all these years by being YOU. The best thing you can do now is relax and enjoy. Don’t push it or try to prove they made the right choice. Let US do that for you. Just get in front of that green screen and be the mensch you are. You have fabulous instincts. Trust them – use them – and enjoy the ride. We’re with you.

  17. I forgot to mention what a great iPhone app foxct weather has. It is very user friendly and I was able to watch your full broadcast. The weather conditions are specific to your town. Thanks again for your dedication and hard work.

  18. So glad to see you on TV again… were missed! Thanks to Fox CT for seeing what a gem you are, regardless of their motive! Who can argue with good ratings? They now have our household as watchers, and that’s thanks to you!

  19. I saw you at the 10 and 11pm news. As Opera would say…. Fabuuulllloouuss!!! You did great!!! Like any new job there’s an adjustment period but you handle your first time out very very well. The anchor lady at the desk was adjusting to your karma and by the end of the night you both pulled it off. I can see why Helaine loves you for who you are all these years because you are certainly a fun easy going guy! Tell her from me, she is one lucky lady and good thing she snatched you up so quick! I look forward to see you on my nightly routine again! 🙂 Blessings Come True!!!

  20. Awesome job.. A seasoned professional could only pull off a first day as well as you did. Tomorrow will be easier and the next day easier still. Give yourself a huge pat on the back! Really… Great job. Fox is fortunate to have gotten Fox.

  21. You seemed totally relaxed and looked like you know exactly what you were doing. Did you even break a sweat? 😉 Great job!

  22. Geoff, you did a wondeful job on the air. You looked so relaxed
    It was nice to see a familiar face and hear a familiar voice.

    I will be watching everyday.
    Good luck to you. Have a Happy Passover.

  23. All’s well that ends well……….hearing you say “Don’t go to sleep yet” made everything all right!
    Relax – you know your stuff. You seem to enjoy the casual manner FOX does it.
    This is going to be your best experience EVER!!

  24. “WINNING” So comforting to see you on the air again. Like an old slipper so nice and familiar. You did awesome. Maybe Helaine should go into business selling those cookies she makes for everybody. Looking forward to seeing Fox on Fox for at least another 27 year run 🙂

  25. Just that little bit of time at the end of the day some how makes life a little better. You must of felt most of CT sigh with relief last night and when the weather forecast was over we all rolled over and went to sleep.

  26. I watched you last night … my husband said, “Hey, btw, Fox is on Fox!” I literally ran up the stairs to flip the channels. Great to see you in action again! I waited to hear the infamous “don’t go to sleep yet!” and I did!!! Great to see you! Great to see you! Great to see you! Best of luck in your new “home”.

  27. You were wonderful!!

    And now it is time to take GOOD CARE of yourself, with plaenty of sleep, Helaine’s wonderful food, the love and support of your freinds—oh, yes, and take your vitamins!

    TNH put you through a Hell you didn’t deserve and it probably took a lot out of you. (What a time to start a new job, huh?)

    One day at a time, Geoff!!

  28. As expected, you were GREAT!!!!!! We DVR’ed them all… sad to record news broadcasts…..but we couldn’t miss you on your first day !!!!

    Geoff, I heard a rumor that FOXct may add a 5:00pm news hour, any truth?

  29. I watched you on the 4pm, 10pm and 11pm news and you were great! Like you had never been off tv. Keep up the great work Geoff!

  30. Honest to God, an uncommanded and uncontrollable smile spread ear to ear when I heard you say your “don’t go to sleep yet” line. Good to have you back with us. Thanks Fox (both of you).

  31. For anyone watching you for the first time, they would just see the new, personable, seemingly at ease weather guy. As a viewer since you started on Ch8, I did notice a tenseness, but that will ease quickly, I am sure.

    That said, it was wonderful, and comforting to hear your voice on air again. I didn’t realize just how much I’d missed hearing from you.

    Great to see you again!

  32. “don’t go to sleep yet” and a cheer went through the house. It was a very nice broadcast. Who wouldn’t have been a little nervous. but, you did a great job. looking forward to watching you every night. I won’t miss the ol’ station. but, I will miss Anne.
    You are lucky to have an audience that can voice their opinion when your previous employer made a mistake. that doesn’t happen in the private sector.
    Sounds like it’s a win-win with fox on fox.

  33. LOL Sorry Geoff but I have to say it. You sound like you were as nervous as one going to their first formal dance…. Ahhhh nothing wrong with that, you were as always you, which is entertaining and always informative. Good job and well done!

  34. It was wonderful watching you last night. It felt great to once again hear “Don’t go to sleep yet….” We applauded and cheered … almost as if a long, lost friend had come home. No more boring weather reports on News 8. Your replacement is just “plain vanilla.” You make the weather a teachable moment. Your personality shines through just like it always did! Good luck and keep up the great work. We’re so happy you’re back on the air! We are officially FOX watchers now.

  35. Geoff,
    I watched at 4,10 and 11p.m. I enjoyed every last bit!! You did great!! Finally a weather forecast we can depend on. Thank you FoxCT for hiring a great meteorologist and a fabulous man. My daughter and I had a countdown to your 4:00 broadcast. I will admit that I scared my daughter when at 10:00 when you said “don’t go to sleep yet”, because I screamed so loud that she ran out of her room thinking something was wrong. When I told her what I was screaming for she cryed “I missed it.” She did catch it at 11:00 though. All is well with the world. Thank you again for staying in CT where we need and love you. We will be watching whenever you are on. Also, we have not watched the ‘other’ station since they let you go and never again will.

  36. It was great to see you again Geoff! You did a great job and my husband and I enjoyed watching your reliable forecast. This was the first time I watched Fox news for more than a few minutes and I was pleased with the quality and depth of their coverage. We’ll be watching again tonight!

  37. I was watching last night’s episode of “House” on my DVD recorder this morning, caught a fleeting glimpse of a promo for the Channel 61 newscast, and saw you!! OMG!! Welcome back, Geoff!!! The Channel 61 newscast has just gotten itself a new viewer! ME! Fox on Fox. Works for me! {|-D

  38. Geoff, congrats on a great day 1. Question for you, now that you are up in Hartford and I am still down here on the coast. When you do the weather forecast screen, why can’t it have 2 forecasts on it in each day’s column(or at least expected high/low temps): 1 for Hartford, 1 for New Haven/coastal areas? The Hartford forecast is sometimes off by more than a few degrees, couldn’t you appeal to all of the state by putting up 1 for the inland areas and 1 for the coast?

  39. It was so cool to see you on Fox! 🙂 And to hear ‘don’t go to sleep just yet’, :). Couldn’t tell at all you were tense, you looked at home in front of that map!

  40. It was great! We were so happy to see you, as I’m sure were TONS OF US! It was SO EXCITING! You’re the best and it’s just a joy, plain and simple! A wonderful weatherman and a JOY! When we heard you say,”don’t go to sleep yet, we both burst out in a scream and of course.. I cried.” THAT should tell you how much we all have loved, respected and appreciated you throughout the years.
    Please get some rest and do relax. This is a change considerable change for you but you are so well thought of, Geoff. Take care! And thank you so much!

  41. Geoff – Congrats on your new job and many thanks and kudos to FoxCT for being smart enough to hire you. The local station has been a solid, professional news organization, and they should be proud to have you on their team.

  42. When I heard “don’t go to sleep yet” last night, if my smile were any wider it would have touched the walls. Happy days are here again!!!

  43. I am out in AZ nursing my mother back to health after a stroke, but I kept checking your site for any good employment news. You have been in my thoughts all these months and I missed seeing you nightly. Although I can’t catch your first week back working on Fox (or the second either), I am so absoluely THRILLED you are back on air. Fox CT will be our new station to watch. Channel 8 is dead to us.

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